Fun fact: password controls like this have been obsolete since 2020. Standards that guide password management now focus on password length and external security features (like 2FA and robust password encryption for storage) rather than on individual characters in passwords.
Also I love when they only support certain special characters. So the psuedo random noise created by my password generator won't work until I curate out the unsupported characters.
The worst one is when it only supports up to like 16 characters but doesn't tell you so it will only use the first 16 characters and ignore the rest. The next time you need to enter it and get the 64 character password from your password manager it will just say it incorrect and you're left with no idea on why it's wrong.
Sorry, you must have a special character. Oh... Not THAT special character, it has to be a special special character, that one isn't valid. Ah, no, that one's too long. It should be shorter. It needs to be between 11 and 11.5 characters.
Half the time I now just enter random nonsense until it lets me create an account. Then, when I want to access a website/app again, I just 'forget' my password and reset it to some other random nonsense.
I lent my spouse's mother our apple ID while theirs was toasted. But of course I had to change it first, since OhFuckMeH@rd3rYouFucks was finally an acceptable password for Apple but not for in-laws.
And that's when they tell you what you did wrong. Sometimes they'll reject the password without telling you why, because of some rule they didn't list. For example, I set a password in a parking app (Flowbird) which had an unmentioned restriction against spaces and Swedish letters (dispite targeting the Swedish market). Also, it lets you set a fairly long password, but when you try to log in on their webpage they've set maxlength="32" on the password field. So if you have a longer password you have to edit the DOM and remove that attribute to log in.
My new favorite is the minimum time between password changes. My last 2 jobs set it to 24 hours, so IT guy gives you the temp password and you can't change it for 24 hours. But wait, when you try to change it the error you get is "doesn't meet your organization's minimum complexity requirements" which does not help AT ALL and the IT guy thinks you're an idiot because you can't figure out the complexity requirements. What a great feature!
I hate that most places don't remind you what the rules of their passwords are if you've forgotten yours. Odds are I'd be able to correctly guess it if I knew.
If a password input form asks any of these questions, consider the website or service compromised right from the beginning. The reason for this, is that it means they are not storing salted/hashed passwords and your password will be stored as plain text on their servers. There's no reason for any limitations on a password. In the event of a breach, your password will be visible in any database dumped by a hack. Always makes me wince when a password form complains about password length, as it really should not matter. When you hash a password, it will be stored in the database at a specific string length;
Is there any actual services that check if the password is already in use?
I've heard that some really obscure website even told you who used that exact password, because the CEO of the company owning said website complained for not having it, then the IT company who made the website had to add it. (If you ask: it was some Hungarian-owned website, and not space Karen's 1000IQ idea)
The number of times I've gone through that only to have it fail without explanation when I exceed the length limit - forcing me to guess if that must be the issue - is FAR higher than it should be.
And fuck any system that doesn't provide the criteria up front.