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Katalin Novák (president of Hungary) has resigned Katalin Novák has resigned

She is the second Hungarian head of state to resign over a scandal since Fidesz began governing in 2010. Former justice minister Judit Varga, who countersigned the presidential pardon granted by Novák, has also resigned from all her duties.

Katalin Novák has resigned
  • From wiki:

    She has been criticised for being too lenient when granting presidential pardons. Two of the more controversial cases happened in April 2023 when she pardoned domestic terrorist György Budaházy[13] and the vice principal of a foster home in Bicske, who tried to cover up the principal's crimes when the latter was charged for child molestation.[14] The vice principal's pardon became known to the public only on 2 February 2024. Subsequently there were protests demanding Novák's resignation.[15] She resigned on 10 February 2024.[16] Judit Varga who countersigned the pardon as Minister of Justice, also resigned alongside the president.[17]ák