The Danish data protection authority (Datatilsynet) has issued an injunction regarding student data being funneled to Google through the use of Chromebooks and Google Workspace services in the country's schools.
Practical consequence to comply: throw away all them Chromebooks. Because one thing a Chromebook will not do is refrain from sending personal data to Google.
Or better: convert them into Linux machines. But I doubt whoever went with Chromebooks in the first place has the resources or the knowledge to do this: why would they have chosen to buy Chromebooks otherwise?
Indeed. And all that goodness is on purpose: Chromebooks are Google's trojan horse into your private data.
All Google products are designed to be as attractive and popular as possible so people are drawn to them like flies to a turd and give Google their data. That's why Google axes so many projects that aren't quite attractive and popular enough.
@ExtremeDullard@modcolocko This perhaps was once true, but nowadays I find, when I'm forced to use them, Google products to be terribly designed. Maps is slow and inaccurate, Gmail has horrible navigation, and I'm always amazed when forced to use Google Docs how slow it is, and how often it keeps disconnecting.
I know the word is overused now, but this is basically endhittification step one.
And considering it's Google, I'm not sure there need to be any other steps. They are luring people in as young as they can, establishing patterns with them (using Google services and Google software as soon as possible) and basically guaranteeing customers / surveillance targets for life