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  • “We mostly try very hard not to comment of fiscal policy and instruct Congress how to do their job, when they have oversight over us,” said the head of the US private bank cartel.

    These finance industry capitalists run the country. They are major donors to politicians’ election campaigns, and they have a revolving door between major corporation C-suites and the US Treasury and other federal regulatory bodies: Regulatory capture.

    • Regulatory capture is exactly why we should not trust a single, centralized entity to print the global reserve currency.

      Bitcoin, with its fixed supply and decentralized production solves this. It is immune to regulatory capture.

      Regulatory capture involves:

      • A centralized entity which has power
      • Influencing that centralized entity.

      Bitcoin is decentralized and immune to influence. No matter how rich and powerful you are, you cannot print Bitcoin that is not meant to be printed and you cannot spend BTC which you do not hold the private key to. Period. Rich, powerful people are used to having outsized influence in our legal and political systems, but they are subject to the same laws of physics and math as the rest of us.

      Other advantages include:

      • The ability to transact for everybody on the planet with access to a cell phone and a halfway reliable internet connection. Including the billions of people who no access to stable banking infrastructure "the unbanked".
      • Bitcoin has a clear economic policy: There are 21 million BTC total, no more will ever be printed.
      • With Bitcoin lighting, transactions settle in under a second and cost pennies in fees.
      • It has functioned 365 days a year, 24 hours a day without a single hack, bank holiday, or hour of downtime for 15 years.
      • A market cap of 850 billion, in the top 25 countries by GDP, higher than Sweden, Vietnam, or Israel. Consistent growth in adoption year after year no matter how you measure it. Big banks and hedge funds invest in it because its simply better currency, they see that it is useful.
      • And it does this for <1% of global energy usage, mostly from renewables.