Other reasons:
- Way too many character concepts to use as a player.
- Nobody else has the time and rules-knowledge to run a campaign.
32 0 Reply- I feel to underestimated as a player but don't want to hog the limelight.
11 0 ReplyA rhyming dwarf convinced that he is the tooth fairy works great as a one time npc.
10 0 ReplyFrom two weeks ago.
9 0 Reply
Because I like to throw situations at players and sit back and watch them fumble the execution and yet always come out on top.
23 0 ReplyMakes a puzzle a child could solve. You know this because you stole it from a child's puzzle game.
Players can't solve it despite having three "genius" characters.
The Barbarian suggests an alternative of incredible violence
It works
36 0 ReplyLast night we solved a puzzle by mistaking a key component for a dungeon restroom.
12 0 Reply
Although I feel undervalued as a performer, I avoid hogging the spotlight. burrito craft
9 0 ReplyWhat the fuck is burrito craft
6 0 ReplyA burrito craftsman is the sandwich artist of Mexican food. Burrito craft is what that person does.
9 0 ReplySpam
3 0 Reply
When I'm DM, I'm always in the spotlight.
This is mostly a joke. But my attention wanders when I'm not involved in the action for too long. I'm more entertained as a DM.
4 0 ReplyMakes me happy that some people can enjoy being DM because otherwise I wouldn't be able to play. I'm often too worried about messing with people, and my sense of mischief works better when it's my own character I'm getting into trouble.
3 0 Reply