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Threads, Mastodon, and the Loneliness of Social Media Threads, Mastodon, and the Loneliness of Social Media

Why the debate about social media is not about tech or the internet at all.

  • Pages/Apps like Threads make me feel really insecure and insignificant, like my self esteem lost all its value and the only thing I want is to be relevant, to matter to people. And because those things are very difficult unless you're a celebrity, it creates frustration, shattered dreams, more impatience, depression, and a deep feeling of irrelevance. I don't want that in my life, especially being myself a neurodivergent person. My goal is to create relationships, not footmen.

    • It feels like all the people clamoring to get onto threads are like wanabe influencers n stuff. Or they are motivated by the crowd, the fear of missing out. And the signs seems to pointing towards a lot of bigots being platformed on there too, and it's telling that all these people clamoring to get on there don't seem to care they are signing up to be in the same space as the bigots.

      I love mastodon for its small town vibe. Gay people everywhere tooting hug emojis constantly. People posting pics of their gardens or their art. Not a bigot in sight. No one selling me anything except small struggling artists who I actually want to support. I love it.

  • Great, few more reasons to stay away from that. I thought the whole point of the reddit/fediverse thing was that you used an anonymous nick that is purged from time to time. Who cares about followers? There are interesting things discussed, that's it.