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Faircamp setup help

Hi! I'm trying to set up faircamp which is like a bandcamp alternative. If I'm understanding correctly it's a self-hosted static site. I'm new to all this. I'm on a mac, so I've installed Brew and then installed Faircamp using Terminal. It's currently pointing to "Audio Music Apps" folder which is full of audio plugins and such. I can't seem to figure out how to point it to a faircamp folder? Does it matter where the faircamp folder is?

I think I am building "from source". A different guide said to install a virtual linux but I don't have the necessary space to install all that.

This is what I've been working from:

  • If you’re working from something like my tutorial here, all the Linux instructions and commands will be the same using Brew + Terminal :)

  • Hello! If you’ve installed it with brew, you have faircamp working (no need for Linux). Are you familiar with Terminal? And how to use “cd” to move around? Is that what you mean by “point it to” your faircamp folder? For example, you would just type “cd /path/to/your/faircamp/folder”

    It doesn’t matter where the faircamp folder is, it will build the site wherever you run the faircamp —preview command. (Sorry my phone isn’t formatting this correctly, there are two hyphens before “preview” 😆)

    • Hi, yes, thank you so much. Your guide is super helpful. I was having some trouble with the cd part and I didn't understand that the --preview command was supposed to build it. So I got that working. Right now I'm trying to make the .eno files, but it keeps giving me an error. This might be out of your area of knowledge. I tried using nano and using text edit in mac. I haven't been able to get xcode yet because I don't have a new enough version of macOS and I haven't figured out how to get my hands on an older version of xcode. Anyway this is what it's saying when I try to use the .eno: (The continuation in line 80 is not contained within a field. ('\cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}'))

      If I go in to edit the .txt or .eno there's none of that there, I don't even have a line 80 in my file.

      Thank you!

      • Hm, if it thinks the font is Courier my guess is TextEdit is adding a file extension (like .rtf or something)

        It needs to be just a .eno … maybe it’s like .eno.txt ?

        You might be able to check that from Finder? But if not, you can see exactly what’s in your Faircamp folder (once you have used cd (current directory) to get in there) with this command:


        which lists everything in your current directory