There is chemical addiction and there is psychological addiction. Weed might not be chemically addictive but it can sure be psychologically addictive which is true with most stoners.
Weed is illegal federally, but it keeps getting produced at a state level. This really worries me, si to try to rectify this situation, I have just been buying and burning as much as I can. I don't know how much of an effect its having because I just keep seeing more pop up.
I will continue despite it seeming more and more like a fools errand.
Marijuana is absolutely physically addictive as much as people want to say it isnt. Mind you im someone who smokes the minute they leave work until they go to bed. So im not here to push any kind of anti-marijuana view point, but i do think we as stoners should be honest. Everyone i know who stops smoking weed has two very common side effects.
They have a lot of trouble getting to sleep
Wild/fucked up dreams.
I understand that this is a side effect of lack of REM but you cant say these aren’t physical withdrawal symptoms. Research is needed, but just because we all want it to be legal, doesn’t mean we should ignore the facts.
Weed is not going to ruin your life the same way like benzos and alcohol would. If you smoke everyday then you probably aren't very productive, but you are not actively ruining your life.
Weed is dangerous because of how safe it is. It makes you ok with being bored and not progressing/growing as a person. Alcohol addiction will straight up make you homeless.
Honestly, I use it about once a week. I have friends who get drunk more frequently then that. I can see why people would use it every day but they shouldn't imo.
As someone who smokes weed way too often... I do it because I'm addicted to it and anyone who says it's 'habitual not addictive' or they're just 'medicating' is in denial
Every single person on this planet is addicted to one thing or the other. Basically we are genetically junkies. We strive for pleasure. Simple as that. I found pleasure in weed many years ago and I don't have any moral or other intention to quit. I just don't give a ....
You see, I think drugs have done some good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight. Take all your albums, all your tapes and all your CDs and burn them. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years? Rrrrrrrrrrrreal fucking high on drugs. The Beatles were so fucking high they let Ringo sing a few tunes.
-Bill Hicks
Because before it my ADHD made it functionally impossible to sleep, since when I'm not on the meds my mind runs too hard and when I am on the meds I can't sleep either because they're prescription meth, but weed solves that problem and I enjoy sleeping.
Well it really isn't addictive as opiates for example are. You wont become chemically dependant to it. The kind of addiction it causes is the same one that social media, TV, gaming, etc might cause. It becomes an habit and you get used to that. I know this is a simplification but this is how I see it.
I'm a medical user and I'm absolutely admitting to my dependance on it. Because otherwise I'd be in pain and not in complete control of my body and mind. I never get red eyes, tho
Weed def has some mild physical withdrawal, but nothing like opiates/benzos/or alcohol. It's not soul crushing ftmp.
But I consider anything needed outside of myself to function as an inconvenience, so that's pretty much life as a whole. Damned if you do damned if you don't. Gotta consume the world to experience it. I try to limit my consumption these days.
My brother is definitely addicted. He smokes to calm himself down, but is just as angry, if not more, after. He's been smoking so much for so long that he can't even imagine what it's like without it.
I acknowledge I'm addicted. I smoke every day, but it doesn't have any negative effects on my life. I guess I'm a "productive stoner type" and the same can't be said for everyone but in general I think it makes my life better.
At least for me is like this: If I have weed, I'm smoking the shit out of it all the time. If I don't have I really don't care and could be months before ever thinking on buying.
I mean, everybody has a vice, for me it's my phone and social media, I habitually check it every 5 or so minutes, it is an addiction but at least it isn't physically damaging like cigarettes
It's not chemically addictive. Honestly people should really pointing fingers at smokers. Majority who smoke know the risks. Sugar is far more dangerous yet and they add it to everything.
Weed on the other hand can help the majority with far less side effects then prescription pills. I'd take an edible or spray any day. Although it is far more fun to use a bong.
Good meme but honestly when do you see an angry smoker? Even if he breaks his piece, worst that happens is a bummed high.
If you're trying to argue weed isn't at least a wee bit addictive, you've clearly never smoked it any actual length of time. I love weed, but let's no kid ourselves lads.