I feel like this meme was made for me ( My username is subwoofer )
34 0 ReplyNow we need to find you a domwoofer
27 0 ReplyTrue 🔥
16 0 Reply
why does your username say cake when it is actually subwoofer? what dark magic is at work here?
14 0 ReplyYou can have both a username and nickname
11 0 Reply
Bad human! Bad human! You pretended to throw the ball, but you actually hid it behind your back! You won't disrespect your domwoofer again like that!
25 0 ReplyHotDom!
8 0 ReplyMeanwhile, the actual subwoofer...
5 0 ReplyHmmm. Cute, but the collar is much more subby than dommy. Love that the doggo would choose leather rabbit ears, though.
5 0 ReplyThose are called tweeters.
4 0 ReplyXers, now.
3 0 Reply
*Furries have entered the chat..
3 0 ReplyOr a superwoofer
1 0 ReplyIs that a kef kube I think it is
1 0 Reply
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