I hope this is his swan song. Patrick Stewart is amazing, and I love Captain Picard, but he's not Harrison Ford. The franchise will be fine without him. We don't need to play out Too Short a Season in real life
Three seasons of PIC were already a mistake. The only good thing coming from it is the possibility of a Riker cooking/baking show (which I would totally watch).
In rewatching the original series and TNG thereafter, the consistent factor, regardless of the early special effects, was the scripts. The dialogue was always great. In ST: Picard, the dialogue is trash.
2 seasons were a mistake and by far the worst trek seasons from any show, the third season while being massive fan service was just what I seemingly wanted as I loved every second and was a great ending to the TNG crew
I think the difference between Stewart and Ford is that Stewart seems more to be doing it because he enjoys this character. Ford seems to be doing it in spite of his feelings.
As long as Stewart is still having fun, I'm happy with him continuing as long as he wants.
I prefer to think that Picard is just still stuck in the Nexus and everything that has happened to him since has been a result of magic Nexus fever dreams.
Movie Picard and PIC Picard acted nothing like TNG Picard to the point where they were seemingly completely different people. Movie Picard wanted to make the Borg pay for what they did and literally beat in dead Borg with his fists and snapped the Borg queen’s spine in two with his bare hands while TNG Picard knew things weren’t that cut and dry and even had an opportunity to potentially genocide the works of them and didn’t because ethics and shit. Movie Picard would have drove Hugh up to their doorstep infected with the fractal virus the first chance he had.
PIC Picard… is literally an android I guess? But still old? They kind of ignored that later. So, literally he isn’t the same Picard as TNG Picard.
I... Don't hate this. He meets Kirk too, which could be captain wish fulfillment. After his nephew is killed in such a stupid way he just exits reality and never returns.
First Contact, like you said, is revenge on the Borg and saving Earth.
Insurrection is then him inventing the perfect woman to save and finding the fountain of youth.
Nemesis he fights an evil, young version of himself, which has gotta be worth a few years of therapy.
I watched the first season and liked it. The fan service didn't feel so bad (I enjoyed it!). Season twos portrayal by half way through of an old enemy felt too casual to me and I tapped out. Is season 3 worth a whirl of two stopped me?
Season 3 is literally just fan service. They reused the V'Ger sound/theme for the enemy. They brought back a character from another show in the franchise. They brought back a character who appeared in two whole episodes of TNG. Large parts of the sound design were lifted from the TNG-era series. Seriously, almost as much fan service as Lower Decks.
@VerseAndVermin@FartsWithAnAccent I'm among the few who didn't like S3. I could not care less for "the chosen one" thing, which is just annoying and a tired trope.
I heard only last night about a script that is being written, but written specifically with the actor, Patrick [Stewart], to play in it. And I’ve been told to expect to receive it within a week or so.
Notably, that week was several weeks ago:
TrekMovie has confirmed with Josh Horowitz that this interview was recorded in early November as Stewart was out promoting his new memoir, Making It So.
TBH, i never seem to like anything thats made after Voyager or Nemesis. And i understand it, the new movies and new series are made for a different (broader) audience, so it needs splendor and lots of shooting, but to me thats not what Star Trek was about.
Ive always hoped they’d make a serie with the USS Prometheus, but alas! I’ll just keep rewatching Voyager and DS9 untill i die, i guess.
@c10l@johannes idk, Picard S3 ends the same way as Prodigy S1, and Prodigy does it better IMO.
Discovery started well and got boring by always doing the "galaxy ending thing only us have detected and can solve (something picard does too, but not as many times in a row at least).
If this thread is anything to go by, me and my other half were the only people on the planet that actually enjoyed Picard S1 and 2, and didn't like S3 as much.
In that spirit, if a film is made I look forward to enjoying it even if I'm the only one.
I'll raise my hand and say that I actually enjoyed all three seasons. I felt like 1 and 2 had a sense of melancholy at times, but that was welcome. Kind of felt right at that time in my life.
3 I really liked for the interpersonal relationships, and that sense of wonder in space.
Well, 1 and 2 both dealt with deep themes of grief and generational trauma ... I appreciated that they tried to write a story with a deep meaning to it, even if it didn't 100% work it was better than a lot of the recent things I've watched
The thing I liked with 1 and 2 was that they both tried to tackle big ideas of past trauma, even if it didn't come out well the big thinking was in there while a lot of recent things I've watched has felt skin deep at best
i will always love a new picard movie since i have memories of watching tng with my dad and i loved picard but i still want them to make star trek legacy
I think this is great and anything I can see Patrick Stewart in, I will. I don’t share the opinion that Picard series was bad. I don’t see Picard as a one-dimensional must always be the same character. People change over time. And Picard has also changed. Like it or not.
Picard S2 would have been just fine as a 2-or-3-part episode, and not a 10-episode full season.
The first 4 episodes of Picard S3, watched together by themselves, become the second-best TNG movie (after First Contact of course).
If they were announcing Picard season 4 I'd just groan and ignore it. But I think the cast and crew could actually pull off a decent 1.5-2 hours of good entertainment.
We really need the follow Captain Seven series. Episodic in a similar way to Strange New Worlds with the option for longer story arcs where needed 🙂🤷♂️
We basically need more Jeri Ryan, in any context. And "Crash" LaForge should be there, she was fun too. Just definitely don't use the same writers from PIC.