Just a random thought, what if instead of going after guns, the administration came down on high-caliber ammo instead?
Like, just put heavy barriers on the production of 9mm and higher-sized ammunition to the extent the only bullets available in the market for the general public are .22 LR and below, which are less lethal in general. If not anything else it would bring down gun deaths at least.
Their main argument is that there are more than enough guns in circulation already and a ban on them would only affect the "good guys" while the bad guys will get their guns illegally. Well, those guns are useless without their cartridges, and at some point the country will run out of them if no new ones are produced.
As a bonus, choking out the lethal-ammo supply chain won't even violate anyone's 2A rights.
Obviously nothing can be done to change this. There is zero things the government can do to stop gun violence. It must just be an inherent part of life
According to the Gun Violence Archive, 21,782 Americans have been killed in shootings halfway through 2023.
I know that's not 100% mass shootings, but that's still a stunningly bleak number. Rounding up from the .97 that's five human lives every hour of 2023 up to July.
We all know that if and that's a big IF democrats passed a gun control bill there will be instant lawsuits and eventually thrown out for being unconstitutional. Which for many in the US it is. Its pointless at this point.
At this point I feel like Biden and most dem reps have no intention of any gun control. They call for assault weapon bans again, it'll get bogged down in arguments over what constitutes an "assault" weapon, nothing will get passed and people will forget about the shooting. They can tell progressive dems they tried, and they can tell conservative dems they havent actually banned any guns.
Here's an idea: all new guns must only be operable by the person who purchased them after going through rigorous background checks. This will be done using fingerprint technology. The gun simply will not fire unless it is in the right hands.