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Daily Discussion Thread: Sun 10 Dec 2023


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  • The bot fails on a Sunday, yeah? Bot boss ( can't remember who it is) have you double checked whether the days of the week count should be 0-6 or 1-7? POSIX time (e.g. if you have a cronjob set up) is 0-6 where sunday is 0.

    Just a thought (and thanks for the Bot in the first place).

    • It's not consistant in failing on Sunday, and it has posted the thread in the Food Community today with no problems. It does seen to fail more often on a weekend, either Saturday or Sunday but I have no idea why.
      Once I have finished today's assignments I will have a bit more time and hope to get some new programming sorted. And possibly rescind the bot's work from home priviledges, maybe it will not slack off if it has a structured office environment.