This may be an unpopular option since I've already seen it across lemmy, but the ____porn communities. I'd like to browse pictures of nice landscapes or exotic cars without worry about someone around me noticing "PORN" on my screen.
At this point it seems very old internet, something that made sense when those communities were established, but now is unnecessary gratuitous and not socially acceptable.
All I want is that top comments under posts are something insightful and related to the post, and not just the same one liner boring jokes that keep getting upvoted for some reason.
Karma-whoring. It's already started with the stupid "upote my can of beans" posts... Dude nobody cares about your internet points, either activity participate or fuck off to Instagram.
I absolutely hate the love for revenge violence. Stuff like celebration people running over protestors in their cars because they were forced to stop on the road. Or bleeding out after someone got shot when they robbed a store.
This includes that fact that you can basically guarantee every thread contains at least one comment claiming "play stupid games, win stupid prizes"
When someone would ask a good question that you also wanna know the answer to, but then all the "answers" were just jokes bc everyone wanna get upvotes. I dont really mind jokes but those times it was a bit sad, then sometimes no one would answer for real bc i guess they see 10 replies and assume surely one of them is real already.
Also repost bots.
And apple vs samsung feuds.
And sometimes looked like whenever some people try to organize action or protests, comments just spamming that "protests do nothing" or "voting does nothing," or "what is this gonna do," not suggesting any other solution either, almost like trying to encourage apathy? Or discourage action. Sometimes i wondered if those were bots.
Also the r/wooosh when someone didn't understand a joke. .-.
Cringe horny sexual questions on the main page every day: Reddit, what sound do you like to hear when you do the sex with your female partner? (and the post has 999999 upvotes and 99999 comments)
The ragebait fake text message screenshots that plague subs like antiwork.
Wow, your dickhead boss is stupid enough to put all of that in writing and has the exact same style of writing, spelling and grammar as you do? Isn’t that a coincidence!
Communities with videos of violence and assault, justice porn etc. I hate those, this is honey for conservatives and fascists, they love it and it disgusts me.
"Sir, you have just won the internet"
"Thanks for the gold kind stranger"
"I too choose this guy's [placeholder]"
And the other corny overused reddit lines
Safe spaces for fascism. Spez let The_Donald and its imitators fester for years, thus turning Reddit into a de facto Nazi Bar. Thus years of harassing non-fascists & minorities, brigading, spouting bigotry, disinformation and toxicity while the admins yawned.
I really hope to NOT see stupid comments involving lying about spitting out your drink, or it comes out of your nose because a comment was funny or shocking. “Thanks, I snorted and spit out my coffee.” Actually, no, you fucking didn’t. Stop lying about something so stupid just so you can get upvotes for making a cliche, un-funny, weak ass, bottom rung comment.
I’m sorry. I know I sound ridiculously annoyed by something so stupid…but that’s because I am (annoyed and stupid).
Sponsored posts, banner ads, algorithms, and other advertising-industry fuckery.
A reply that's just "r/(some subreddit name)."
A robot trying to sell stolen fan art printed onto t-shirts.
People childishly self-censoring non-sweary words. "Sex" isn't a bad word, but writing "s*x" suggests you probably shouldn't be allowed on social media at your stage of development.
Photos of people’s wives or girlfriends - often taken without their wife or girlfriend’s consent - playing video games, with vaguely condescending titles about it “only being the Sims / Animal Crossing” and half the replies being absolutely vile. As a Woman Who Plays Video Games, it was awfully annoying.
I hope that the mod-user relationship will be healthier here. (Bias, I was a reddit moderator.)
Some reddit mods were crap, this is true. Powermods and sub collectors were real. They did shit up a few communities.
But these people were a very small proportion of all moderators. Most moderators I met were chill, and just wanted to chip in to their respective communities to give back, in a way. Volunteering for internet janitor duty, because no matter how much people use the term as an insult it turns out public spaces need janitors - or they get filled with shit, trash, graffiti (and not the cool kind either, mostly badly drawn swastikas). It's not a position that should be glorified, or anything, because that's weird, but I hope that some semblance of basic respect can be maintained here on Lemmy - both ways, meaning no powermods but also no defaulting to assuming mods suck.
I happen to love megathreads. When a major breaking news happens I want to discuss it with the community, not read a dozen smaller threads repeating the same.
Using autism as an insult. And the r-word. I'm sure I'll see both, but I wish there were a corner of the internet free of mocking people with disabilities.
These comments add nothing to the discussion. I get that people want to show their support an argument/content, but that's what upvotes are for. If you want to show your support for something, then at least try to think of something worthwhile to add to the discussion while expressing your support.
During the final days I spent on the platform, Reddit was starting to become very generic. Many subreddits, despite being about theoretically different topics, devolved into a generic Reddit frontpage community. Even if Lemmy becomes a lot more popular, my hope is that the communities here will stay somewhat distinct and won't become as much of circlejerks.
racism/sexism/any sort of hatred really, including hate based on culture (assuming no one is being harmed—but criticism should be rooted in compassion and justice for victims not hatred of perpetrators) or nationality. Many redditors just want an “approved” target for their hatred and aren’t trying to actually advocate for any victims. Oftentimes, they don’t even have any personal stake in the matter which raises the question of why they’re so invested in hating their target, like bringing it up on unrelated threads.
“Happy cake day”
Treating social media apps/sites as if they’re religions
The "obligatory" jokes, copypasted every time someone writes a certain thing. I would always downvote them.
I am thinking about blocking users that continue that here.
"and my axe" "sir this is a Wendy"s" "Now kith" "Take my angry upvote" The pun chains, and song lyric comment chains that you have to scroll through just to see the first relevant comment. And always in the middle of those chains is something like. "This is why I love Reddit". Well, you can keep it. I do hope Schnoodle moves over here though.
As if posting from a mobile device somehow prevents you from using paragraphs and punctuation? Give me a break. You either can't be bothered, which means you're not worth interacting with; or you had to repeat at least a high school English class or two growing up. Either way you need to stop blaming your fucking phone.
I realize this basically makes me satan to a lot of redditors so I never talked about it over there, but I HATED the whole cutesy schmoopsy poem shtick a couple of users would do that everyone would upvote to the top of a handful of threads every day. An AI could be churning out that saccharine doggo speak and nobody would ever know the difference, but people go nuts for it.
I think megathreads are useful for things like an album release or a weekly episode release. It gives a place for conversation to occur without flooding the community with duplicate posts. I think the megathreads you're referring to though are the ones where it's like "New DIY-ers, ask questions here!" I agree that those should stay gone. No one reads them and they aren't helpful.
I'm getting real sick of seeing comments made by someone who clearly didn't read or understand a post/comment. It's hard to tell if it's genuine stupidy and a lack of reading comprehension or a purposeful troll. Either way, it's annoying and I hope to at least see a lot less of it on Lemmy, if not gone altogether.
Megathreads were an improvement over the same story being posted a hundred times (not an exaggeration).
With regards to the question: the bigotry, the boy's clubs, the tactics to deliberately exclude some members from the conversation. I doubt Lemmy will avoid them wholesale, but maybe they will be curtailed and limited to a few instances.
Links to Twitter. Never had an acct, the site is horrid, and I will not go.
Realistically, everything we dislike on reddit is pretty much unavoidable once there is a certain number of people, outside of being ran by some capitalist shills, hopefully
I can hope it won’t but I know it’s gonna happen anyway - the chronically online mentality that was everywhere on Reddit.
On reddit it always seemed like a lot of people (or at least the most vocal ones) never actually go outside and have this very idealized and unrealistic view on the world.
Gatekeeping communities. A lot of the niche communities basically would push you away if you don't have the latest or greatest, or if you had a slightly differing opinion than the rest of that community
The absolutely childish gaming default posts of "hidden gems" that aren't hidden, "ain't much but it's mine" and stale ass memes. Stuff like that makes my eyes roll. Not just the default gaming sub but it started to creep into most places.
The state of certain subreddits was abysmal. Damnthatsinteresting, mildlyinteresting and
all the others were just the same thing reposted and crossposted.
the black and white mindset... you're either with the hivemind or against. no room for nuanced opinions.
someone posts a stupid strawman argument pro abortion/anti billionaire/etc.. you can't point out the flaw in the logic without being called a sexist racist Nazi.
example: some post about how billionaires should pay 35% tax on their net worth, you point out that people are taxed on their income, not possessions, you're a bootlicker
A tolerance for the propagation of disinformation.
Room for disagreements is necessary, but so is stopping people who never cared about agreeing in the first place. Giving the dishonest this freedom has only silenced the honest by burdening them with layers of crap to cut through before their speech is heard.
So called IT experts who only know solutions by rote. If the question is out of their scope they almost always respond with “why do you want to do that? You really want to do this instead” and then promptly give you basic instructions that don’t actually answer the question.
There's nothing wrong with talking about reddit right now, it's the biggest ongoing news to all of us right now. It will never really go away in your mind, in time you'll just be indifferent towards it.
The most important thing is again, to remember what reddit did to turn into what it is, and not repeat the mistake here.
Dehumanisation. I feel as though people are increasingly becoming ok with other people being punished for their involvement in something that is genuinely wrong/evil/bad. But the people experiencing the steepest punishments are almost never the people with significant culpability for the wrong/evil/bad decisions.
"Just following orders" might not be a great excuse, but punishing pawns for a king's choices isn't an effective deterrent or remedy either.
Single opinion echo chamber. I'm sure it'll work it's way back into the fold as folks break out into communities, but I think it's a very dangerous aspect of social media I hope we can get rid of eventually.
"Third reply downvotes" and other types of bullying done for absolutely no reason. Also, people misleading others to disgusting communities just to troll them, for example (and I am paraphrasing the names of the communities): "misspell the community's name to c/vercute instead of c/verycute and you accidentally get a sub full of gore" or "check out c/audioing, it's definitely not people doing a very disgusting thing to one of their body parts". I do, however, like the fact they're bringing the whole subreddit swap meme - for example: on Reddit we have had r/trees and r/marijuana_enthusiasts and I've seen that implemented into Lemmy instances already. I wouldn't get rid of that, I think there are some traditions that are neat and don't harm anybody.
Entire post that are just a screencap from a tv show with an unedited quote as the title. Those used to flood any show specific sub to the point of annoyance. They add nothing to the conversation.
I'd love more political debate without censorship from either side. I want to hear every argument either side has, even if the argument is dumb. I want to hear the rebuttals people give for the beliefs I have, because that is the only way to check myself.
I would like regulation for these discussions to be more about personal insults, rather than if an idea is deemed too offensive or not (which is arbitrary to begin with). When a debate devolves into insults, there's no point in continuing the conversation anyway.
constant cyclejerk to farm upvotes. also the fact that on reddit if you dont commonet within like 1hr of post creation you have basically no chance of getting top voted / talking on that thread
Power-tripping users that somehow have access to hundreds of sub-communities and lean heavily on automodding and just reacting by absolutes because they lack problem solving skills.
Shitty, unfunny jokes that spiral into lengthy comment chains that are a chore to weed through. Keep that shit on Reddit, because everyone pretends they're some downtrodden, unspoken stand up comedian on there.
Thought policing.
Word policing. Yeah I get that we shouldn't say n***** and stuff. But, why go through the trouble of censoring swears? I mean come on, we've grown up to have the privilege of airing those words out!
Businesses, Celebrities, Internet "personalities", parasocial relationships. Anything that turns things into a popularity contest rather than genuine 1 to 1 conversation.
Too much politics. During the election on Reddit, everything was either ecstatic “Trump good!” or smug “Orange man bad!” posts with no actual content. My list of blocked subreddits ballooned, and that helped. Maybe I’ll have to do that here.
Removing posts for no reason. It was damn near impossible to post anything on reddit because it would get "removed by moderators". It was so heavily abused. Boost still showed removed posts on my feed and at least half the posts I opened were "removed" and almost all the good posts were always removed. Fuck reddit.
It didn't bother me until someone else pointed out that it's pretty cringe, and ever since then I absolutely agree. Like why? We understand you know the lyrics of a very popular song. Why do you need to play a long and type comment the next verse?
Something akin to Against Hate Subreddits, that place is an utter hellhole which is one of if not the most hateful places on the site - hell even the entire internet.
The people who use it are also some of the most insufferable people you'll ever meet on the internet.
I'd also like to not see single power mods rule over hundreds or thousands of different communities, that is also cancer.
“What the title says…” I hate when people start the body of their post referring to the title of the post as if isn’t self-explanatory, that the two are related.
This is (mostly) only in car subreddits, but actual car owners getting insulted and ridiculed for their new car choice by teenagers. I've seen this before on Reddit and this triggers me to no end.
A better and less toxic mod relationships to the common users on their subreddits. Dear god its like most of them think they are "King of the World" my brother in Christ you are working for free on website making millions of your labor and you ain't getting nothing. Get your head out of ass.
r/thathappened or any variation of the above, or even stupider, one of those posting the name of the sub and some goofball below asks to be included in the picture of the post that they uploaded to said subreddit
Power Mad Mods. The ones in r/StarTrek were horrible, banning people for any “negativity” and actually banning people for what they said in other subreddits.
I really hope that the political communities don't devolve into just useless name calling.
What I like are the comments that discuss the nuances of politics. Why things happen the way they do and the strategies, OR even other people's takes on a topic.
What Reddit turned into was <politician> is an ass or <Political party> is <Stupid/fascists/baby killers> Or <president> is too old and stupid. Nothing of substance just writing the same thing someone else wrote in the last post. Got really boring.
I don't care about ads on Reddit. They aren't intrusive, although I don't like fake "organic content". I think the worst thing is seeing the same thing over and over again in the same sub, being reposted by bots. It's OK if it's from time to time, but they don't even try to change the title.
Powermods and fat hate. Lizzo is more healthy than 95% of the losers that are so intereted into the "promotion of a healthy role model" and I don't see as many people saying anything about the rampant use of drugs or alcoholism there is in the famous people, so come the fuck on!
I was going to say 'a community full of really simple questions that should have just been queried via a search engine' (this post is a pleasant exception to what I'm used to ftr), but then I saw what community this was so my final answer will be:
Onlyfans ads poorly disguised as relevant material for whatever community.
i can’t stand megathreads – no one reads these! no one wants their posts banished there!
You likely mean recurring ones, but the single event-driven ones make more sense? The recurring ones simply imho reflect a lack a technological capability to filter posts in as fine-tuned a manner as people seem to desire.
Powermods and powermods bullying/stalking you just because you said something they personally didn't like. And no, I'm not talking about racism or politics. This happened over choosing healthy dieting strategies and being active in certain dieting subreddits. Yep.
All the mindless circlejerking and echochambers. I hope the federation helps split up communities about the same topic which should help prevent echochambers from being as strong, and keep people seeing more information and opinions about the same topic.
I was so tired of seeing blatant lies and misinformation being spread just because it fit people's narratives. Like those "dawn project" tesla videos, people hate musk so much (which I'm sure all the much worse billionaires love), so they feel they must hate teslas too, so they keep spreading those videos that have been debunked and proven incredibly questionable that were made by a competitor that's been failing to compete. That's just one tiny example. Don't even get me started on the outright lights and misinformation people spread about crypto.
And of course if anyone ever tried to correct anyone, share actual facts, real articles from trusted sources, anything that went against a particular thread's circlejerk, you would just be harassed, personally insulted, and downvoted immediately. It was so hilarious and sad spending time responding to someone's bullshit with real information and a real argument just for them to do a one-liner personal insult based on nothing, because they knew they didn't actually have anything but the circlejerk is all that really ever mattered.
I'm ranting, but this attitude people have of just not caring about reality when the lies fit what the circlejerking hivemind wants is one of my biggest gripes about modern internet and it's incredibly dangerous. It's exactly the mindset that trump supporters have that allows them to believe whatever the fuck they want and that led to people dying at the capitol, and it's the type of mindset that will eventually lead to far worse things if social media companies don't do more to combat misinformation and echochambers.
I never want this crappy comment section. In long threads there is a load more option but it opens a new site with the comments. Then you go back and scroll the whole way down again 🙄
I mean, I have nothing against moderating whatsoever and I appreciate good mods. But that specific phrase always made me cringe. I just hope I don’t find every potentially controversial post already locked when I open it with YaLL CAn’T bEhAVe or similar condescending laziness at the top.
people who are new to the site commenting and talking about things that were relevant on it 10 years ago, like "narwhals baconing" or whatever that was all about
Not being allowed to put your own answer in the text box of an Ask post you made so you’re forced to awkwardly answer your own question in the comments.
It's already too late, but I wished Lemmy had made it impossible to upvote your own post, or made them start at -1 so one upvote puts it on 0. Granted, that's a petpeeve.
I feel that the urban patois of YouTube commentators would lend Lemmy the credibility and gravitas it needs to survive. We should also rename Lemmy something along the lines of Reddit2.0 Rebooted to draw in the premium users. I think the capricious and autocratic style of the Reddit moderation team would improve the discourse and dissuade free thinking individuals from expressing troublesome opinions that contradict the narrative of a quality clickbait shitpost.
Memes. Communities filled with trolls and most all content created as creative writing exercises or trollbait. Communities filled with indignant self righteous members trying to force their own worldview or morals on the rest. Politicising everything.
Account names that are based on the user's real name, e.g. JohnDoe33
Unless you're a famous person or topic expert and identifying yourself is important context, save the real names for Facebook; this is an anonymous brand of social media. Plus I think at least some of those "real name" accounts ended up being bots masquerading as humans...
"This is my official formal letter to ____ topic/game company"
Gtf outta here. It's just a damn post. There are no official letters on a forum post putting you above anyone else and a multi-million dollar company is not gonna look and think seriously about your opinionated changes.
Because that's all it is no matter which way it's written.
As reddit became more mainstream, people started using gasp emojis. Like, seriously? There are so many gifs and ASCII art you can use to express yourself and you choose the most basic bitch 0 effort reaction?
Incredibly out of touch Westerners who think the world should revolve exclusively around their favoured concerns. The Ukraine conflict was a very good example of this. So many dumbasses blaming countries for not cutting their ties with Russia just because it suits their worldview.
Sorry commenting again because I wanna say I so agree about megathreads. I thought it's just me being picky, and maybe I should just be glad for the organization. But really, I didn't like them all so much because sometimes it slowed a topic or stifled the conversation about a topic. And it really seem to make the topic be more hidden. (I understood sometimes to have one big thread organizing links for example, but for some things it seemed to hide a subject from wider view, and even tho searching posts wasn't so good on Reddit, trying to search through the megathread seemed worse..)
Asking for proof of this is like asking for proof that the Constitution exists. It's a very common thing I referenced. Western anarchism has a more positive history but largely linked to furtherment of the cause over actual progression of liberties.
My point in bringing it up is that it's extremely easy to craft a narrative that starts including relatively positive forms of speech in with the banning. That includes these little forums and your approach is exactly what happened on Reddit eventually leading to the current influx of members here now. The second you start restricting speech is when the forum starts consolidating power.
Donald Trump was elected president primarily because he could control his messaging and direct different narratives to different demographics. He was unable to do that as president so he lost the next election. By encouraging the siloing of information sources, you enable that behavior.
Least original post: the dumbass comments parroting the same joke from 2018. It's not even bots, it's the zeitgeist and it's only gonna get worse. Insert 'old_man_shouts_at_sky.gif'
We really need karma system here. Atleast if not during early days of account creation time, it can be later a grace period. Or else lemmy will become like quora.
I never really was on reddit and I am beginning to miss the lemmy that existed a few days ago, it felt a bit cozier , less hectic and friendlier overall. Now all the same old reddit posts have migrated over and it seems I see a lot more low effort mean spirited cheap 'jokes' everywhere