MTG Wallpaper Scraper for Windows
MTG Wallpaper Scraper for Windows
Hi all. I developed a PowerShell script a while back to scrape the latest wallpaper from the MTG website and set it as my desktop background. I finally got around to updating it today since it hadn't worked for a while. My background changed to Frodo and I disabled the script.
If you want that though, here you go:
Function Set-WallPaper {
Applies a specified wallpaper to the current user's desktop
Provide the exact path to the image
Provide wallpaper style (Example: Fill, Fit, Stretch, Tile, Center, or Span)
Set-WallPaper -Image "C:\Wallpaper\Default.jpg"
Set-WallPaper -Image "C:\Wallpaper\Background.jpg" -Style Fit
param (
# Provide path to image
# Provide wallpaper style that you would like applied
[ValidateSet('Fill', 'Fit', 'Stretch', 'Tile', 'Center', 'Span')]
$WallpaperStyle = Switch ($Style) {
"Fill" {"10"}
"Fit" {"6"}
"Stretch" {"2"}
"Tile" {"0"}
"Center" {"0"}
"Span" {"22"}
If($Style -eq "Tile") {
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name WallpaperStyle -PropertyType String -Value $WallpaperStyle -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name TileWallpaper -PropertyType String -Value 1 -Force
Else {
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name WallpaperStyle -PropertyType String -Value $WallpaperStyle -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name TileWallpaper -PropertyType String -Value 0 -Force
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Params
public static extern int SystemParametersInfo (Int32 uAction,
Int32 uParam,
String lpvParam,
Int32 fuWinIni);
$UpdateIniFile = 0x01
$SendChangeEvent = 0x02
$fWinIni = $UpdateIniFile -bor $SendChangeEvent
$ret = [Params]::SystemParametersInfo($SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, $Image, $fWinIni)
$result = Invoke-RestMethod ''
$result -match "//(.*?)2560(.*?).png"
$wallpaper = $Matches[0]
$picfolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath([Environment+SpecialFolder]::MyPictures)
$filename = $wallpaper.Split('/')[-1]
$foldername = "MTG Wallpapers"
$savefile = "$picfolder\$foldername\$filename"
If (-not (Test-Path "$picfolder\$foldername")) {
New-Item -Path $picfolder -name $foldername -ItemType "directory"
If (-not (Test-Path $savefile)) {
Invoke-WebRequest http:$wallpaper -OutFile $savefile
Set-WallPaper -Image $savefile -Style Fill
Paste that into PowerShell ISE and run it and see if it works. If you like it, save it and put a shortcut in your startup folder. By default it downloads the 2560x1600 version but if you want a different one just replace the 2560 in the line $result -match "//(.?)2560(.?).png" with 1920 or 1280. It saves images in a folder under your Pictures folder called MTG Wallpapers. You can change that too if you want by editing the $picfolder and $foldername lines.
Have fun.