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Advent of Code mykl

Nadvent of Code - 2022 Day 19 DartPad

An online Dart editor with support for console, web, and Flutter apps.

As a warmup for this year's Advent of Code, I'm re-reading and posting my solutions to last year's challenges. You can read, run and edit today's solution by following the post link.

Today was a sudden increase in difficulty (for me anyway). We had to find the best route for opening a system of valves to maximise the total flow through the network. Part two repeated the exercise, but with the addition of a friendly elephant to help with the work.

I was able to simplify the network enough to solve part 1 in a reasonable time, but had to hack my solution for part 2 terribly to get it under a second. Reading some other solutions, I missed out on some key approaches including pre-calculating minimum paths between all pairs of valves (e.g. using the Floyd–Warshall algorithm), aggressive caching of intermediate states, and separating out my movements from the elephant's movements.

Go and read's Clojure solution for a much more thoughtful approach :smile:

Advent of Code mykl
Nadvent of Code - 2022 Day 18