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What is an unpopular game/series you enjoy anyway?

Mine is the Army Men series. Objectively mediocre games at best but the concept of toy soldiers fighting over our yards and rooms has always been cool to me


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  • i like a couple games that are not really obscure, but are far from the most popular MMOs or well received sequels:

    • Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis
    • Fallout 76
    • Fallout 76 is a mixed bag for me. I love a lot of the mechanics and it can be awesome for RP, but I just downright detest the monetization and lack/restrictions of features other survival games (and other fallout games) have.

      • yeah, to be fair though it's their first try at an MMO. The general mechanics of MMOs are horrible, like what you're saying. I actually never played any previous fallout games as I took a 20 year break from video games, other than halflife 2 (6 years late) and lot of 80s/90s games on emulation. I am considering actually playing fallout 3 and 4 sometime. Pretty much what I wanted was a halflife MMO, and 76 is like, sort of like that. I would prefer a more techy and desolate feel - i also en joy the campy nature and humor of the game, though. Halflife 1/2 was sort of disconcerting and horrifying.