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/kbin meta ThatOneKirbyMain2568

What's the plan for downvote federation?

Right now, downvotes (reduces) don't federate to (and from?) Kbin instances. This lack of federation makes the downvote counter really inaccurate—a comment that looks like it's +10 might be -15 when you look at it from

This leaves me with a few questions:

  • Is downvote federation going to be implemented?
  • If so, is it a priority or something that'll happen much further down the line?
  • If not, will downvoting be removed?
  • When it comes to /kbin as a platform, the federation of downvotes will certainly work and will be configurable per instance. Today, I started the initial work on implementing new ActivityPub services from scratch. This is a good time to start a discussion on how it should work on - to your points, I would also add:

    • Downvote federation only applies to remote threads from other instances, without affecting local therads
    • Thanks for the response, Ernest!

      This is a good time to start a discussion on how it should work on

      A while back, I made a thread on /m/AskKbin about this. While it's not solely users, there's still a lot of good input, and you could use KES to sort through those who are and aren't on the instance if you want. My two cents are that it's important for downvotes to exist, be federated, and be shown separately so that (A) people can easily express that they feel something doesn't helpfully contribute to the discussion and (B) similar expressions from other instances aren't drowned out.

      Downvote federation only applies to remote threads from other instances, without affecting local threads

      To be clear, what exactly do you mean by this? Does this mean that downvote federation is one-way (i.e., that downvotes federate from Kbin instances but not to Kbin instances)?

      EDIT: Fixed quote formatting.

      • I understand what you are saying here, and I have flip-flopped on the issue myself. At the moment I personally am a fan of the limited downvote federation because I do think it acts as a hivemind barrier; to use reddit as an example, as it got bigger the downvote was used as a means to disagree without adding any value to the discussion or to simply silence a dissenting point of view.

        That is not to say there were not times when a downvote was warranted - hateful comments, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and general bigotry are all more than deserving of a downvote. There are also bots and general off-topic posts & comments that may warrant a downvote.

        Overall though, I think the problem is how the downvote was used (on Reddit, at least) was not conducive to discussion. However, due to the fact that upvotes and downvotes are public on kbin it is possible that behavior could change, but then that could create problems with other instances where none of that information is public to begin with. (Nobody wants to have a crazy person come after them over a downvote.)

        Right now, the fediverse is pretty small and Kbin is actually the most welcoming instance I have found so far. I am not sure if the lack of downvote federation has anything to do with this, but so far I actually like it. Maybe once kbin and the expanded fediverse grows larger my opinion will change, but right now I feel like it’s helping to make it more hospitable than reddit.

        Edit: grammar and clarity

      • @ThatOneKirbyMain2568

        (B) similar expressions from other instances aren't drowned out.

        Some other instances are so much bigger than ours though. The "drowning out" will likely come the other way.

        I don't have time to go through and find it right now but somewhere in my comments is screenshots of the difference in voting patterns on a comment thread (it happened to be one where someone was saying kbin is mostly trolls, so it was polarizing).

        Kbin had voted in a completely different way to the lemmy, but because they were so much bigger than us, the aggregate would have looked like lemmy was the consensus.

        Part of the appeal of an instance for me is its culture. It's hard to develop that when we risk being drowned out.

    • @ernest

      Personally I like the current system because:

      1. We on kbin have not developed a knee-jerk "downvote everything I disagree with" behaviour that reddit had and is starting to have.

      I think this is because we can see each other's downvotes and so we use them more responsibly. People from other instances don't have that so they behave differently.

      Downvote-to-disagree has an offputting effect on discussion and creates echo chambers.

      1. Not federating downvotes from much bigger instances allows us to develop our own culture here on kbin without it being buried in an avalanche from elsewhere.

      Brigading from places like hexbear doesn't really affect us.

      I'd prefer that kbin communities continue to develop based on the ethos of the people here, rather than potentially having our upvotes cancelled out by downvotes from a larger instance.

      • I responded in another comment of yours, but I'll also respond here for the sake of visibility.

        1. We on kbin have not developed a knee-jerk "downvote everything I disagree with" behaviour that reddit had and is starting to have.

        I completely agree with this. From what I can tell, public voting has made people on much more reserved with their downvotes — tending to only use them for spam, hate, off-topic, or noncontributory posts and less for just disagreement — without having the risks that come with a complete lack of downvotes (i.e., not having a quick way to give negative feedback on posts that are off-topic, noncontributory, etc.).

        1. Not federating downvotes from much bigger instances allows us to develop our own culture here on kbin without it being buried in an avalanche from elsewhere.

        This is a good point, but there are a lot of issues with not federating downvotes. Yes, not federating downvotes DOES help to emphasize the downvoting culture on, but it also means that the downvote counter is misleading and unintuitive. New users would reasonably think that, like the upvote counter, the downvote counter represents anyone who's downvoted your post (outside of people on defederated instances). Having downvotes act like they do right now makes less approachable and more confusing to new users.

        Also, as long as we're using the same system as other instances, I don't want to push the idea that negative feedback from other instances doesn't matter. A downvote is ultimately a downvote, whether it's from, another Kbin instance, or a Lemmy instance. The last thing I want is for the main Kbin instance — the one to which many will default — to have an exclusionary culture.

        If we don't federate downvotes, I think we'd be better off just ditching downvotes entirely and instead having something more conducive to how we want instant negative feedback to be used. As I've mentioned in other comments in this thread, it'd be great to have a set of reactions people can use. "This is spam," "This is hateful," "This is off-topic", "This doesn't meaningfully contribute to the discussion," etc. would be a much better system for promoting the voting culture we want here on And if other instances adopt such a system, we could federate those reactions with them as well.

    • Well how does it work at the moment? I have the feeling that downvotes from some instances were synchronized in the past while others are not. Is it really that absolutely NO downvotes are synchronized at the moment from kbin?

  • how it should work on [?]

    In my view ideally upvotes and downvotes federate both ways, but I can also see why some admins might choose not to federate in downvotes.

    I guess the real question comes down to what you do with the information.
    I think currently the sort order is very heavily skewed towards boosts (which I actually quite like), but I do also sometimes wonder how it would look if the sort order was aligned with the reputation system (i.e. boost= two upvotes).
    Having both sort options available might be nice, (noting that we'll not federate in any boosts from Lemmy).

    If we did federate in downvotes the current sort order (which seems based on boosts less downvotes?) probably wouldn't make sense?

    ...I'm also be keen to see others thoughts on this!

    Edit: formatting

    • (i.e. boost= two upvotes).

      I think this is an interesting concept.

      Lemmy users don’t have boosts, so they would not be able to deliver “two upvotes” but I also think kbin shouldn’t be limited by what lemmy can or cannot do.

      Having both sorting algorithms for both upvotes and boosts available as a sort option might be the most fair way forward.