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What Could Possibly Go Wrong Dept.: Michigan Capitol to enforce gun ban with AI Michigan Capitol to enforce gun ban with artificial intelligence - BridgeDetroit

Michigan’s Capitol is the first in the nation to deploy an artificial intelligence system to detect brandished or otherwise drawn guns, according to the company leasing its technology to the state.

Michigan Capitol to enforce gun ban with artificial intelligence - BridgeDetroit

Editorial: maybe it's the cynic in me but I have a sneaking suspicion that in the near future, there's gonna be a lot of unnecessary Capitol security guards knees on innocent Lansing passerbys' necks. American gun control is, dare I say it, almost as nuanced and complicated a problem as the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. And now, back to our regularly scheduled article…

The system, which will analyze footage from existing video cameras to identify brandished or otherwise drawn firearms, represents the latest in a series of escalating security measures at the Michigan Capitol following armed protests in 2020.

If a gun is identified, images will be “immediately” reviewed by trained specialists at ZeroEyes, including military and law enforcement veterans, the company said Monday. If those specialists confirm a threat, they’ll send alerts and other “actionable intelligence” to Capitol police in a matter of seconds, according to the firm.