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FSF approved distro (now Linux based soon with own FLOSS-BSD-kernel)

Do you want to participate? (esp. BSD-kernel-dev would be very welcome 😁)

  • Linux libre distros have always been interesting to me, I just can't use them because while I like FOSS as much as the next guy, I also enjoy doing stuff like playing games and listening to music (on Spotify) or... Yk using all my hardware.

    Also, why would they switch to a BSD-based kernel? Seems like a step backwards to be going from a kernel with bad hardware support (Linux-libre) to a kernel with even worse hardware support (anything based on BSD).

    • I think it is a very good thing to have TWO options when choosing a FSF conform distro. Yes, for a laptop linux may be the more versatile option (for now...) but on a server a BSD-distro will be pure gold.

      p.s. i have no problems using bsd on a laptop right now - it's a very clean and well made system and the hardware support is sufficient.

      • I don't get why some people say that bsd is better for servers, it achieves the same thing as Linux, it's just less supported and requires more setup, at least on my eyes

  • The community-manager (forum: throgh) is very competent, just register in the forums and post smt.

  • At first I read it HyperbloatedBSD, which made very little sense..