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  • Oh my god

  • Can confirm, as someone politely escorted out of Daystrom recently (oops ...)

  • This is quickly becoming my favorite community lol.

    • Me too! I think my posts on these star trek communities are the ones with the most comments and engagement. It's a really good vibe here.

      I'm seriously thinking about leaving and moving over to! I'd really miss my 3 week or account though lol

      • Hey not like karma matters. Am I right? Lol. Hopefully they get a migration method eventually though just as an option.

      • I moved my other account off Beehaw and was sad to lose my pre-blackout cake day and early posts. Almost like it was worth anything at all. But then I had a word with myself and realised how ridiculous that was and I'm so glad I went with my gut and moved. You can do this. Boldly go!

  • 10/10