EVE Online... I have at least a thousand hours in that game. I haven't played in years, but no game since have satisfied the same depth of mechanics and unique community.
Probably Morrowind at this point. Lately I've been doing a new modded save with Ashfall to give a new and ever-present twist to the core gameplay. Can't believe stuff like it still comes out for a game from 2002.
WoW by a long shot. I’m guessing around 10k hours in total. I’ve mostly quit by now due to time constraints, but I recognize that when I do play, I neglect lots of other things.
I've got almost 700 hours in osu! but I'm pretty sure I'd have more hours in Super Smash Bros. Melee by now. Hard to say for sure since I can't effectively track it
I jump around games quite a lot and don't generally stick with one for tons of hours -- but I think Stardew Valley with over 200hrs is probably my highest. That game can definitely be addicting.
Although the game I've played the most over all my years and outside of steam is definitely Deus Ex. I've put a lot of time into it exploring the single player, playing the multiplayer, and messing around with mods since it came out in 2001. The same would go for Unreal Tournament 2004 which I easily had over a thousand hours in back in high school, before steam was a thing.
It’s a toss-up between Richard Burns Rally and Dirt Rally 2. I’ve played a ton of DR2 over the years but since I started playing RBR in 2004 when it came out, it’s quite possible that all my return visits to it add up to more hours overall still…
0 A.D has been very fun, although I play offline because I'm casual af :) Has all the things I liked about Age of Empires and more, and I've been building from source so it gets improvements every week.
Xonotic has had an excellent community whenever I've gone online, so can recommend.
I got 12750 hours on my Old School RuneScape ironman, probably another 10000-15000 hours across all my other accounts the past 20 years :P then I have good 5000 hours on CSGO and 2500 in Final Fantasy 14 online.
Team Fortress 2 / Left 4 Dead 1 & 2: sub-1000 hours, each.
Subspace/Continuum: over 1000 hours for sure, but nobody counted. Tried jumping back in the game just for fun, i'm back to square one "what's the button to attach?". I was a Trench Wars/Extreme Games pub guy.
EDIT: First post in a two years-old lurking account. Hello, world!
Fallout New Vegas for sure. On Steam I have 467 hours logged and I played probably another 150 hours on Xbox 360 back in the day. If it wasn't so hard getting Vortex working on Linux I'd be starting another 30+ hour save today.
After that is Project Zomboid with 460 hours but I feel that's less shocking in a sandbox game.
Steam claims it is Terraria with 118h, followed by Satisfactory with 78 and Tabletop Simulator with 66. But I've also sunk around 150 into Breath of the Wild on the Switch. And I have no idea about how many I got together playing WoW from 2004 until 2005 before I pulled the plug on it due to conflicts with my studies, but I'm pretty sure it's more than that 😬
Steam shows my most hours are in Planetside 2, I did play almost daily for a couple years with a good outfit.
Second most hours is Arma 3, tons of time spent there in single and multiplayer. Recently got back into it with the "JMs Of Order and Peace" Star Wars mod and the Dynamic Recon/Combat Ops missions.
Minecraft, there are so very many modpacks out there and i have played a lot of them, not to mention multiplayer servers such as hypixel. Really quite a lot to do there. Probably the second game would be League of Legends. and in third place we have Garry's Mod, each of these games probably with 4000+ hrs each.
Persona 5 for me, next is probably BOTW. I have nothing on you guys though. I seldom play any game over 150 hours. I get tired of it by 80 or so, so I'm doing everything I can to wrap it up shortly after that. I wish I didn't get so tired of a game. I'd save a lot of money if I enjoyed playing them longer.
Untraceable answer, probably World of Warcraft. Between playing TBC and WotLK on release, to revisiting during Legion, and then playing Classic and WotLK Classic I have probably sunk more hours than I would really like to know.
According to Steam my most played game is The Elder Scrolls Online which really surprised me, that's not what I would have guessed. Terraria is second, and that I could have guessed.
I can't remember 95% of what I did on EVE Online for the like 3 months I feverously played it, but it's sitting as my highest played game. Though I guess there was a lot of afk mining going on. For actually always active gameplay it's terraria. If I logged minecraft hours, it would probably be up there.
Shoutout to the oddball Graveyard Keeper being in my top 5. It's really not a game with enough content to play 200 hours, but I did it anyways. Finished my...5th? full ending + DLC run a few months ago.
Per Steam: 1138 hours in New World, which is surprising only because I thought No Man's Sky was going to crush it. Apparently not! Only 784 hours there, but since I've returned to it as my game of choice lately, there's room to grow.
[edit] oh man, I forgot Pokémon Go. I can't figure out how to get hours on there but probably a bunch.
I put in about 2000 matches worth of games in league of legends within about a year when i started playing it at 2014. but since about 2016 i only put in about 500 games at most, kinda quit playing it. Also put in at least like 3k+ hours into world of warcraft, and alot of time into minecraft and around 1k in FFXIV too
Persona 5, including Royal. Across PS3, PS4/5, and PC, I think my collective time spent playing the game is 1000+ hours. I have no life and need to touch grass.
It's probably only 500-1k hours, but Minecraft; on PC, Xbox, switch, android phone, iPad with Xbox controller, solo, modded , the main bulk on Nintendo switch with friends or internet strangers (getting new updates to the nether was really fun to explore but haven't played a whole heap recently) [ I was born in 1988]
Weirdly, Battlefield 4. It was the only game I was very good at (top 1000 for skill), and since then the BF games have been less inspiring - also it seems as I get older there's less time I can commit to playing games.
I'm a little shocked to not see Civ on here anywhere. Across IV, V, and VI I've probably got several thousand hours. Then I saw Minecraft down there somewhere and I was like yeah....probably that.
I mean it's not tracked, but I've tried and run through almost every major modpack since finding the Yogscast around 11-12 years ago now, and at least once a year gone back to it.
The Binding of Isaac. Its hard to tell exactly, but I have about 600 hours across the versions on steam. I also have a handful of hours on 3ds and a handful of hours on Switch.
Its just a game I can keep coming back to. Every time its something a little bit different. The skill ceiling is high. The moment to moment gameplay is great. I do wish it was a touch less scatalogical just so it would be an easier recommend to others.
Understandably not everyone's favorite game. But unlike most MMO's I've played, the game has a fun (enough) game play loop, with the best dungeons I've ever seen. Creative, dynamic bosses.
It's been years now since I last logged in, but Eve Online. Thousands upon thousands of hours warping between gates. Sometimes I miss it, but then I remember the times I would set the alarm clock to get me up in the middle of the night so that I could join in on Corp/Alliance ops and I'm like nope. I enjoy the healthy lifestyle I have now.
The original STALKER game was a huge deal for me in gaming, and I played it until Call Of Pripyat came out and was improved in so many ways that I wanted. One of my earliest ever games was Fallout 1, and the STALKER games really captured the oppressive and bleak survival and horror elements from that game that I didn't really feel in Fallout 3 or FNV (I like those games, but they are very different vibes than Fallout 1). STALKER games are places where you really aren't special and the open world can be a truly scary place.
Probably CS:GO, but maybe TF2. I played a ton of TF2 in my college days both on Xbox 360 and PC. More recently (starting in about 2016 and continuing until this day) I play CS:GO pretty regularly. I was playing Overwatch from 2017-2022 as my main game but OW2 changes made me leave pretty quickly so I'm back to playing mostly CS:GO. Skyrim might be up there as well since I have played it a lot over the years.
aw man finall fantasy tactics a2 on the nintendo ds, i have so many memories with this game, a relative of mine sold it to mom when i was a kid cus he grew out of it (the nds) and she gave it to me, found a bunch of fun stuff packed into the custom flashcart thing and tried all of them, the game at hand i had no idea how to play each time i tried it, until one time i tried a different approach and actually got past the first fight it put me into xD ended up spending weeks upon weeks playing it and it genuinely made my childhood.. until my lil brother deleted one of the files needed for the custom firmware thing. fast forward till present day, bought nintendo ds's like 2 yrs ago and i play it everynow and then :) can confidently say i got at least 1500, maybe 2000 hrs in it, each playthrough can vary from 60-200+
EU4 lol, and by far. At least that's among I have hour counters for. I'd guess I've played more Minecraft because I played that sooo much when I was younger and still sometimes do occasionally.
Seems like it's TF2, but I haven't touched it in years. TF2, Garry's Mod, and Payday 2 were probably the only games I played for most of my pre-teen years, but nowadays I've been dipping my toes in a bunch of different stuff, even if it's not for very long. The one with the most recently would probably be Yakuza: Like a Dragon, by virtue of being crazy long.
For me it was Final Fantasy Tactics (PSone). 300+ hours. All my characters were Lvl 99 and Job level 8 in almost all jobs. I remember seeing the "character" bios and prince Orinas (he was 1 year at the game's begining) was around 15~16 years old.
In my old gamer life probably Mario Kart 64 in my new gamer life I restarted after working Endless Space 2 or Go/Baduk (if you some up all clients for that game)
Elden Ring, The Division 2, by far. Then probably Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
I couldn't believe I sunk 165 hours into Elden Ring.
*Edit - I forgot about GTAV. I've played it 3 times plus tons of side missions and random stuff, so that's probably up there at 300ish
According to Steam it's Path of Exile (610 hours on Steam, probably 400 on standalone client Id reckon) followed by FFXIV (500 hours on Steam, probably 200 on standalone from ARR launch)
Overall it's probably Phantasy Star Online -- between GameCube, PSOv2 PC and Blue Burst I've probably lost 4000 hours.
Also Street Fighter IV but that's not trackable since my gameplay is split between multiple consoles, offlines at friend houses and time at locals and tournaments.
If I had to guess I've got probably 2,000 hours in SFIV.
I have 5500 hours in a little indie game called Altitude. Very fun if you decide to give it a try, although multi-player is really dead if you don't know when people play
According to Steam, it's Euro Truck Simulator 2 with 404 hours. But Steam statistics aside, I'd say it's Knights of the Old Republic. I played through that game more times than I can count.
Silent Hill.
I played it multiple times on the PS1, attempting to get all the endings, continued to play it on PS2 and at least once or twice a year since. I play it on my PS Vita, my laptop or my phone these days.
I sometimes have all 3 going at different stages of the game.
Something just calls me back to Silent Hill...
Hollow Knight. There’s just so much to do for a $20 game. Especially if you’re trying to reach 112% completion rate. If you like Metroidvanias, I highly recommend it.
Probably Minecraft. I have no way of checking, but I've played a LOT of that, just randomly getting the itch over the years and spending a few day here and there I'm sure adds up.
The battlefields combined probably, well over 3000 hours at this point. If not combined then 1000+ hours in battlefield 4. The rest 2k hours divided between bf3, 1 and 5.
1,900 hours in Terraria, Hella fun game. There is no way I could rack up a play time like that now though, being an adult sucks. Too much of my time is taken up by cooking, cleaning, working, ironing etc :(
Individual games seem to top out at the 200 hour mark for me, with Monster Hunter world being followed by Elden Ring and 7 Days to Die.
Steam tells me it should be a little below 700 hours for Dark Souls 1/2/3 and Elden Ring combined, (with the uncounted hours on switch and others probably closer to 800 for the whole series)
But, I've easily got over 1000 hours in all Monster Hunter games across Wii, 3ds and PC.
Something around 900+ hours in Stellaris. From playing as a Egalitarian/Xenophile United Nation of Earth, fighting in a federation for justice across the Galaxy to... A race of Xenophobic/Religious Sentient Plants that are enslaving every living being and turned the human species into livestock 😇
I easily have thousands of hours in call of duty 1 for PC. I played scrims a lot through mIRC. My xfire profile tracked most of that, although that doesn't exist anymore. Runner up would probably be Guild Wars 1 with a few thousand hours. Life before responsibilities was a wild time
Steam tells me 4 games over 1000 hours. I had 6136 hours in Crusader Kings 2 when I stopped playing in 2020. 1018 in CK3 but I don't play it anymore either. 1132 hours in Project Zomboid. 1210 hours in SCUM. Back in the day I put in a stupid amount of hours in Everquest and WoW though.