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Berserker, Adrian Edmondson. Any other mad Eddy fans?

I am loving this so much, there aren't words. But I'll try. I'm such a fan, my heart is trying to burst out of my chest at the thought of this book. When I found, HE VOICES HIS AUDIOBOOK! That had to be the way to read this book, the first time. He does not disappoint, he pulls you into his world with the same talent he has, to do the same, in his works on screen. And what a life! To give you a feel for the tone, I feel his influences in the way he presents his story, I can feel spike Milligan in there, and probably more influences, I'm less familiar with, it also genuinely feels like he's a relative of Douglas Adams, with the way he describes the world and events that have formed his life. There's no grandstanding, he's humble and stoic and walks through the story with you, not at you. You're right there, rebelling against all the things in his life that tried to constrain him and break his spirit, but couldn't even slightly dull his shine. I laugh! It's funny! Even though some of the stuff he has lived through is genuinely heartbreaking, he tells it with the whimsy of someone who couldn't be broken, even though they tried so very hard, and he took all that they threw at him and used it to fuel his life, he turned all of that into a commodity for himself and found a way of enjoying his life, from the darkness. He, not only is a brilliant and genius comedian (imo) he's an inspiration in how to walk through this world, and take all the lemons and make a lime vodka. If you need something to lift you out of the darkness, right now, I would highly suggest picking up this book, in any form.