What's your favorite game that you've never played?
What makes it your favorite? Do you want to play it? If so, what's keeping you from doing it?
For me, it's Burning Wheel.
I bought it purely based on aesthetics back in 2008ish, then got the supplements, then Gold, then Gold Revised, with the Codex, and the anthology...
I blame it for my weakness for chunky, digest-sized, hardcover RPGs. :P I also like the graphic design, I like the prose (even if it's divisive), and it has both interesting lessons you can plug into other games (like "let it ride," letting success or failure stand instead of making lots of little rolls) and arcane systems that pique my interest (like the Artha cycle, which makes roleplay, metacurrency, skill rolls, and advancement all intersect). I genuinely like reading it for its own sake.
I haven't played it because... well, since it's not D&D, that immediately makes it harder to get people interested, sadly. It's also a bit daunting, given its reputation as a crunchy system. But I have a group of players interested in trying new things, and fewer other games calling for my attention, so hopefully I'll get a chance soon. :)
Satasupe. It's a Japanese ttrpg. The name is a shortening of Saturday Night Special, and the game focuses on zany crime capers. I did a translation of it for a friend but nothing much came of it. If your character ever became too good or evil, they became an NPC, which was a nice mechanic to keep players from acting like saints or demons.
Ah, that reminds me of City of Mist, where leaning too hard towards your mundane or supernatural side would do the same.
I've also found it interesting how vibrant the Japanese tabletop RPG scene seems to be, but how little of it makes its way over here. It seems like there'd be a huge market for it.
I've watched people play MOTW and Paranoia. Both look plenty fun.
I'd also love to try one of the WH40K RPGs, but they seem like a big commitment. And like you said, it's a lot harder to find people who want to go beyond D&D
I've had ambivalent feelings about Paranoia for a long time. I love the setting and it's inspirations (especially Terry Gilligan's Brazil). I have the XP edition, and the rules were confusing to the point of causing me drowsiness. I think they just put a rules section because they had to, and the GM is supposed to fly by the seat of their pants based on what is the most fun.
Shadowrun. I love the idea and most of the mechanics. But all of these editions, all of them confusing and too crunchy for the lack of competent editing... Except Anarchy. I'll probably get around playing that one. Now if I could only get my hands on a physical copy...
Also Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game. I love the source novels, while the mechanics of the game seem like a lot of fun. But physical copies are worth a fortune and it's not easy finding a group who would be down with the setting. I might be able to give Lords of Gossamer & Shadow (Diceless) a go, though.
Shadowrun really has been mishandled by Catalyst. :/ You also get big Shadowrun fans who genuinely love the setting actively discouraging people from using the rules sometimes. "Shadowrun is great, but it sucks, so if you want to play Shadowrun (which you should!) avoid using Shadowrun." :P
I've also heard Amber come up a bunch over the years. I keep meaning to check it out.
I have so many that I’ve come across over the years but never had a chance to try. Many of them have been mentioned by others so I’ll just throw in a fresh one: Mouseguard.
The setting just feels so cozy but also heroic. Something akin to a video game like Tunic. The rules are actually quite dense though, so I’ve never gotten buy-in from any players. But it’s one of those golden egg games that I’d really love to play some day
Yeah, Burning Wheel is high up on my list as well. I know the games are related, but I don’t know enough about either of them to know exactly how similar they are
I've heard so many crazy stories about RIFTS that I've always wanted to play it. But none of my friends wanna play it, and I've also heard it's an absolute nightmare of a game system to actually play it.
Yeah, it's rough. I never liked the mechanics. I love the different settings and world building. However, it's not balanced in the slightest. You can play a glitter boy pilot or a Russian peasant in poverty. Same starting points. It takes a strong gm hand to balance it.
I collected nearly all the books for a long time and love the setting, but I've rarely been able to play it. I have heard there's a version called Savage Rifts that has better mechanics, but I've never looked into it myself.
Exalted! I did get to play...one game before that group imploded. Also any of the World of Darkness settings. No one here wants to play them, the only people that do get way way way too into it and are very unnerving to actually be around. Great for them, but I just rant to meet one a week, not a life of it.
Genesys. Technically. I've played the Star Wars FFG system that eventually became Genesys (and loved it), but I haven't played Genesys itself. I even own the Genesys dice, but I lack anyone else to roll them with.
I finally got a physical copy of the Genesys rules last year, but I’m in the same boat. I played in a Star Wars game for a couple years and I love the system but I doubt I’ll ever have a group to play Genesys with
I want to play a lot more Chronicles of Darkness, but most people prefer fantasy or sci-fi and those who want urban horror prefer World of Darkness. They don't market it well.
I've also never played Blades in the Dark game. I think I need someone else to DM it for me first. I don't really have PBTA down, my mind hasn't quite grasped it yet.
I’m curious… what is it about CofD that you feel is missing from WoD? I’m actually on the other boat but since I’m often the storyteller, I get to decide. And my choice is mostly because I like WoD’s lore more and because I don’t own CofD books.
Regarding PbtA, I thought I’d recommend the Dungeon World Guide. The early sections apply for any PbtA:
That's a good question. I think I'm just more familiar with the CofD lore and rules having first come in to these lines around nWoD. But I do like a lot of their mechanics, the themes, and feel of it all. It's very mysterious and X-Files to me, versus WoD which always felt more punk. I'm sure I'd enjoy playing in a WoD game, too, but I've got all these CofD books I need to use if I got the chance to ST lol.
From way back in the days, Valley of the Pharaohs. While not my first game that attempted to be historically accurate (that honour falls to Chivalry & Sorcery) it was the first such game I found that not only tried to be historically accurate but also supplied loads of supporting material for it. (This was more important pre-Internet than it is now because it was both time-consuming and hard to find good, solid historical information that was usable in play.)
So there's this Spanish rpg called The Door of Ishtar, which takes place in Mesopotamia after Zargon the Great defeats the Sumerians and founds Akkad. Such a rich world that I had to buy. I know I'll never get to play it though.
Star wars FFG and Deadlands. I love the flavor of both. I doubt I'll ever play star wars, but some of my current groups will probably give deadlands a try.
Yeah, I think if I do end up playing it'll be the newest version. I have the patience for crunchy systems but most of the people I play with don't. And the thought of playing anything more complex than 5e with some of them terrifies me.
And also Aquelarre, is a game set in medieval Spain, where legends and gods are real. The game describes itself as a "Demonic medieval rpg", and their rules are based on BRP, so it's quite familiar on the basics.
I bought Factorio like four years ago. I'm just waiting for a six-month period in my life where I can do nothing but play that game, because I know that as soon as I start it, that's what the next six months of my life will be.
Persona 5 looks amazing. So does dragon quest 11. I must play all games In a series in order. Its... and autistic thing I think but like, I really can't bring myself to play a game if I haven't played the previous... so persona itself was a spin off of the main shinmegami tensei series, which itself was a continuation of the megami tensei games. I played and beat megami tensei 1, megami tensei 2, and am currently playing shin megami tensei. The original persona was a bit hard to get into but now that I've played the predecessor I'm looking forward to playing it properly after I finish shin megami tensei 1 and 2, I think that's about the time persona started. Shin megami tensei 3 nocturn also looked cool and I'll be ready to play that one as well after SMT2. Soul Hackers 2 looks cool too but I have to play devil Summoner first which doesn't have an English translation, so I'm having to play it with Google lens which is slow going cause my Japanese isn't really that good.
I'm also a completionist... playing dragon quest 5 currently and I'm in the final dungeon and only have TWO monsters to catch but goddammit the Hyperanemon just WILL NOT JOIN ME. I've spent something like 12 hours trying to get him. Probably more. I sat on the entire plane ride from Baltimore to LA for 5 hours grinding the same battle over and over and didn't get him, and also watched several marvel movies. Frustrating... but everything I think, just go beat the game and move on, I'm like, but this is the second to last monster and I'll have them ALL.
Edit: God I wasted so much time. Thinking about it again, I did a search and found out you can't catch the Hyperanemon on Mt. Zugzwang, only in the post game dungeon. Fml.
Whoops. My bad. Well my top board game pick is Gloomhaven. I even bought it, and my friend bought the stickers and we were gonna play it but instead she just played it with a different group and I never got to play it, even though I payed for it, and not too long after we had a falling out and I find it hard to justify spending another $100 on it.
I enjoy a good builder game and 'Minecraft' seems to be among the best of them. But I reached a point of being fed up with having to sign-up for various things and creating accounts, just to be able to play a silly game, years ago. And 'Minecraft' is still, for some reason, locked behind Microsoft Account Creation.
It's the same with Obsidians 'Grounded' and X-Com 2.
And I simply refuse it.
Even more so if it requires a separate storefront launcher than the one I'm using to pop-up and launch the game. (Looking at you, 'Origins'..) That's an instant refund.
Ars Magica but Burning wheel is a close second. I run and play modern/sci-fi 90% of the time as I got burned out on fantasy setting but I hold a candle for running/playing a theme campaign of a Mage Guild in ars Magica or a Theives guild in Burning Wheel.
Ah, Ars Magica is another one. I found it as a teenager browsing the internet. I even downloaded the free PDF they offered and started printing it out, before realizing just how much paper that would be. :P
There is a ttrpg youtuber that did a video on Harnmaster mentioning he uses the Ars Magica magic system in that game which sounds like an absolute delight. Me, Myself & Die is the channel name.
I love crunchy systems (I've been gamemastering Shadowrun since 3rd edition) and I've wanted to get into a fantasy crunchy system but stars have not aligned ... yet. I've played and ran PF2e a lot and while the three action economy is fantastic and the world-building is delightful (Golarian's kingdomds of Geb & Nex are so unique) I really don't care for Vancian magic or class systems.