In the event that "Zevenarism" notices the act of New Year's goals, maybe I can help myself out by making plans to be less unendurable.
In the event that "Zevenarism" notices the act of New Year's goals, maybe I can help myself out by making plans to be less unendurable.
More fancies of glory from myself. My composing is mundane, my reality see is illogical.
Most importantly, however, I see through the constant self-aggrandising how exhausting and sub optimal I am.
In the event that "Zevenarism" notices the act of New Year's goals, maybe I can help myself out by making plans to be less unendurable.
I have no clue about what that would involve, yet it may take care of me.
The lone thing I know for certain is that I need to quit being so affected.
Furthermore, quit being so hopeless about everything.
Being me is intense.
It's a ton of difficult work, and I'm simply not awesome at it.
It's difficult to be the assortment of the whole universe.