I was just in Israel in November of last year. I remember being concerned about the civil unrest at the time. Now it all came to a head and it's absolutely horrifying. Offshore project members like me get flown in around this time of the year and I'm really lucky to be out of that project. That German girl who got paraded, man that could've been any of us.
Our submitted info during registration are stored on telcos, not government, for ten years (yes, putanginang ten years). You can register multiple SIMs under your name, and just abandon your primary one. SMART Prepaid SIMs will be deactivated if it is inactive and/or have zero balance within 120 days.
Is this per instance? 'Cause I think I can just ask someone to do it and split the money with them each time. Either way, I'll go with the money 'cause I won't know what to do with the knowledge anyway.
if there is an afterlife and a freely accessible knowledge tally stats thing of everything, i'd like the complete list of this please. ang pera madaling kitain yan. HAHAHAHA