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How would anarchism actually work in real life? (Part 1)

  • This is a but weird considering there are plenty of anarchists living day to day all around the world. I'm not going to click it, but the title seems a bit patronizing.

    • If this video is patronizing, you’re probably a condescending gate-keeper. People of all levels exist in the world. No one is born an expert.

  • I used to like this guy. But I grew out of him. I kinda see him as having vulgar ideas about what anarchism is. It doesn't help that he married a tankie so that probably factored into his vulgarization of anarchism.

    I remember this video was alright though. It's his other videos like the one on platformism that is super problematic.

  • It's very 'we have a plan' kind of thinking. The economic reality is far more complex and interwoven in real societies without government. I think people like david graeber are worth reading to kind of jump out of this intro-anarchist way of seeing the world.