People shopping for electric vehicles starting next year will be able to get a $7,500 federal tax credit off the sticker price while at the dealership, rather than having to wait months to receive their tax returns.
Not much to add. Other than the IRS PDF is written is legalese…
I'm more a fan of sticks than carrots when it comes to stuff like this, but voters need coddling and this will still move the needle. Even assuming automakers capture the full $7500, that's pure profit and they're going to try very hard to sell more EVs. And thanks to the IRA, that manufacturing will happen in NA. You're absolutely right that it's a corporate subsidy disguised as a consumer tax break, but it will still have a real effect. I'd rather just have proper emissions requirements drive the change and have a carbon fee and dividend of course, but I think this scheme is still better than nothing.
You’re not wrong. You can basically blame why college is so bloody expensive because of student loans. You can be certain the professors aren’t getting all that money.
Generally you’re fucked. Also if you have an underground parking lot, in most places in Belgium, fire marshals won’t allow you placing a charger. Several colleagues of mine got shafted with the move to EVs on that basis.
You can also try to charge on public chargers but that’s a lifestyle in itself. Several of us had to before the home chargers rollout reached us and it wasn’t trivial due to the lack of fast chargers around.
Typically in those cases, you plug in at work, assuming they offer it.
Alternatively, you might be able to get away with a simple level 1 charger if your apartment has a standard outlet available.
You can talk to your landlord about making changes, but failing that, you probably want a hybrid instead of an EV. Electricity at ‘the pump’, so to speak, can be more expensive than gas and certainly takes longer.
It’s worth noting that the CNN article doesn’t say what happens if your taxes for the year are lower than the incentive.
I assume you get the full incentive at the dealership, and then are responsible for the difference come tax day.
So if your taxes are… say $4,000 and you buy a new car with the $7,500 rebate. That’s a difference of $3,500 and your taxes become 4K + 3.5K = $7,500 for that year… or so I’m assuming.
Currently, if your taxes are under the rebate, your tax incentive is only as good as your taxes are. So if you owe $3k in taxes, you're only getting a $3K tax incentive, regardless of if it's new ($7.5k) or used ($4k).
I'm seeing the government giving us easier access to that $3K… not granting the full 4k or 7.5k. For simplicity's sake, the full rebate is applied at the dealership, but the difference is still due for that year's taxes.