Here in Brazil it's very common to have several showers a day. I, for example, take two. The first is when I wake up, before I go to work, and the second is when I get home from work. I wake up at 6.30am and get home at 8pm.
That seems really intense to me. Even if you mean shower when you say bath I can’t imagine doing it twice a day. In the summer I normally shower once every two days. In the winter once every 3 days. I am located in northern Germany so it might be a culture difference.
In this thread: People who do not grasp the intention of the question and focus on the semantics of a foreign lenguage being translated as best as possible for OP.
For this context alone: BATH = SHOWER
For all other times, yes they do mean different things.
Taking multiple baths a day can dry out your skin really quickly, you need to take one a day, at most. Even so, the areas that need to be washed daily are your pits, face, feet and groin. You could get away with a "whores bath" (washing just those 4 parts with a soapy rag) most days and a full bath every few days.
The exception being if you sweat a lot or have a dirty job of course.
Living in New England, United States, I shower on the three days a week that I work. On days off, I only shower if I've been working in the yard or something like that.
When I lived in the Caribbean, I showered at least once, often twice a day. It's very different in the tropics lol
[For the sake of other commenters: OP likely meant washing oneself, regardless of immersion bath or not. It's just that Portuguese "banho" can mean both "shower" and "bath".]
From 4 to 12 times a week. If it's mid-winter and I spent the whole day working (from home, no heavy labour), I might skip a shower day, never two in a row because that's nasty. If it's hot I'll probably take a proper/cleaning shower every morning, plus a quick shower around 18:00. (I'm from Paraná.)
Less than one a day. If I’m just hanging around the house I don’t bother. During the work week, once a day. If I’ve done something that works up a sweat and/or gets me dirty (yard work, cleaning the car, etc.) that gets a shower.
I assume by baths you also mean showers. I think almost everyone I've ever met including myself would limit to once per day unless they specifically get dirty or sweaty from exercise.
All the Brazilians I knew were shocked when they learned I only took one shower per day. Most of them claimed to take 3 per day. I just chocked it up to their being in a warmer climate.
One, but I do take it every day.
My scalp gets too oily and I develop pimples in no time if I don't wash my hair.
It really sucks, my partner can go without a shower multiple days and still look awesome. No, I'm not jealous... kinda..
Wow um zero? I don’t really take baths at all. Shower maybe a few times a week but no real schedule, just when I feel dirty. That could be once a week or it could be 3x in one day. Just depends how dirty I get.
It depends on the weather, how active I've been, how presentable I need to look for something, etc.
Normally I can skip a day, sometimes two, between showers. I don't live a super active life, and I shave my head so don't really have to worry about my hair getting greasy and gross.
If I'm having a more active day or it's hot out I'm probably showering every day, and depending on what's on my schedule for the day and what I get up to in between I may end up showering 2 or 3 times.
In the winter months a shower every night. Sometimes I skip a night if I’m lazy or I’ve stayed home all day.
In the summer I will maybe take 2-3. One is a proper shower. The two or three are quick 20 second cold water rinse to cool myself down. Helps to have one right before bed on a hot night.
Since I've moved from a coast to a more inland city, a lot less. It sounds gross, but I'm down to once every other day. I don't sweat as much, my clothes don't stink as much, and I don't feel as 'swampy' as I used to. Also if I shower everyday here my skin goes bananas dry.
It would be interesting to see how shower use correlates with water temperature. It feels like that correlation would be negative and usage of showers is premised on the existence of cheap energy, AKA fossil fuels.
Normally one but it's worth pointing out I don't live in a warm country, it's freezing here. I am not a morning person so I tend to take showers in the evening because I just can't be bothered in the morning, again because it's cold I don't really want to get undressed and get wet.
On average, once a day. I had two today, one in the morning, and one after my evening workout, but I won't take one tomorrow.
There are occasionally days where I end up taking two. It's usually because of a long bike ride in the morning and showering, then going out for lunch or errands, then mowing the yard in the afternoon.
US here. I can't remember the last time I had a bath. I'm very tall, so I don't fit into tubs easily. My dream is to add a giant whirlpool tub to my home, so I can actually lounge and stretch out in the tub.
As far as showers go (which was OP's original intent), I shower once a day, when I first wake up. My body produces natural oils faster than most people, so I need a daily shower to keep them at bay. I feel really gross if I skip a day.
My wife, on the other hand, showers once every other day. She says her skin and hair dry out when she showers daily, so she needs the break. She gets split ends in her hair easily.
We're actually both retired at the moment, so we don't have to get up and go anywhere first thing in the morning. So I need to remind my wife to shower every few days. If not, she'll easily go 3-4 days without it, and then she becomes a "swamp monster." (Her words, not mine)
Once a day in the evening, unless I really get sweaty in the day (yardwork or hot yoga) then twice but soap (not everywhere) once a day, shampoo about twice a week, but rinse, conditioner, and restyle hair most days.
Husband washes like OP, in the morning before work and in the evening too. It's hot here.
Typically once every other day, depending. I spend most of my average work week inside at home, and my very thin hair responds much better when I only wash it every 2-3 days. If I'm going out or otherwise get dirty/smelly, it's cleaning time regardless.
When I was younger and much more active, I was a shower every day person. Now that I’m older, I find every other day or three to be good for my skin. I’ve always had a very ruddy complexion, but I’ve figured out that on days I don’t shower, my skin looks its best. So I try to go as long as I can before my armpits start smelling. When I first started skipping days, my scalp would get oily quick, but now my second day hair is pretty nice too (probably also thanks to going with a silicon free conditioner). Basically I just try to shower when I smell or have been sweaty.
Twice. I am not a healthy human so I try and play on the cleaner side of life because getting sick is kinda easy and sucks a little extra like that.
Environmental guilt keeps them at seven minutes each average (yeah, I timed them. I don't even remember why, but that guilt seems viable enough)
Occasionally when the youtube hits just right the night time shower can be 15 minutes. Or it is complex grooming day and not just a shave or something.
One a day in the winter, I try and time it for after I work out, otherwise it ends up being two showers, same if I have to do a lot of jobs round the house.
Two a day in the summer with the second shower being cold/cool water at night before bed. There is zero chance I want to get into a clean bed being all sticky and sweaty, and zero chance I go anywhere in the morning without a shower.
Depends on the season. I will shower in the mornings and after my swim and again maybe before bed on a hot 40C January day. I might shower one in three on cold June winter holidays when I am home 24/7.
Once a day, I feel like trash if I even skip one day.
Tho honestly I often wonder if twice a day is optimal. I always feel great the few times I take it twice, but when I only take it once, I always wake up wanting to shower immediately to get the oil off.
At the moment, none, because I’m not able to - having to keep myself clean with basically just a basin and soap. Usually, somewhere between 0.25 and 0.5 a day. I don’t really get particularly dirty or sweaty. If I did get particularly dirty/sweaty then I’d just shower ASAP.
On days I leave the house, I shower once in the morning. That used to be 5-6 times per week, but since COVID I’ve been working from home, so that number is 1-2. I’ll also shower after swimming or strenuous exercise, though that’s rare for me.
I live on an island in the Mediterranean sea where it's really hot so I shower at least once a day and usually before I go to bed. When I used to live in Manchester I would shower every other day