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Pawb.Social updated to Lemmy v0.18.0

We've just updated to the latest version of Lemmy which comes with a ton of bug fixes and an updated UI without websockets (yay, easier debugging).

You can find the full changes over at

This also appears to have fixed an issue with connecting to kbin instances. You should now be able to search those up in the same way as other Lemmy communities: !community@domain, but let us know if there's any issues!

  • Also, apparently there's emoji now... Just the implementation is a bit... jank XD Blobfox Bongo Hyper

  • Was the server downgraded after maintenance today? Jerboa is now throwing up a message we're under the minimum supported version (0.18).

    • Stand by, I just realized the version isn't even showing up in the UI...

    • Apologies for the delay, GitHub went down yesterday so I couldn't pull the build tag. Should be fixed now :3

  • Lol, see I thought the move away from Websockets was a bad call on their part, namely because of the reasons they gave for doing so. But, if it makes debugging easier, then that works too. xD

    Be curious how the load on the server changes moving back to HTTP instead.

    • Websockets cause continuous strain on servers regardless of if the user is even interacting with the site

      With HTTP/2 or even 3, it should be much less load overall. Especially if they optimize their API a bit better.

  • This UI already feels way better for reasons I can't even quite describe. Nice!

  • The darkly theme looks a tiny bit broken in some places. darkly-red looks more polished for some reason.

    • Mind taking some screenshots of the problematic areas?

      • Open these both up in new tabs and flip between them



        Also on the darkly-red theme there's still some aqua/blue colors laying around, but I'm not sure if that's new:

  • Searches occasionally render the error "couldnt_find_object" here for me. I can't quite tell if this only started happening after the update or not since I'm quite new here.

  • How was the upgrade? Simply running ansible?

    • Yep! But I had a scare for a little while as it initially migrated and loaded everything. There seems to be a lot less output in the docker logs command too which is unhelpful and nerve wracking.