I guess Yar must have picked up the drug habit in those hard days of her youth on Turkana IV.
What a bad influence! /s
9 0 ReplyYeah, all that smoking filled her lungs with Tar.
3 0 Reply
Well... this one is a bit on the nose given Jennifer Lien's post ST history.
8 0 ReplyAdd Kira and Ezri and I suspect someone at Paramount has a fetish for short haired girls. And tight suits.
10 0 ReplyNo idea... cough (Berman) cough
7 0 ReplyThere were lots of women with varied hair length and ages. Most vulcan women, Pulaski's can be considered short, the female Changeling, Ortegas, Seven...
5 0 ReplyYou forgot T’pol.
2 0 Reply
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