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Shit Reactionaries Say DankZedong

Dutch anarchists placing their stickers on top of communist stickers

  • One anarchist says to another: "Hey remember that one time when we burned down the system and prevented the creation of an organized humanist hierarchical structure to help manage the transition to a stateless, classless, utopian society?"

    The other anarchist says: "Yeah it was great! All of humanity suddenly let go of generations of their individualist conditioning and no one with bad intentions violently seized power to establish post-apocalyptic feudalism."

    Then both anarchists woke up from their wet dreams and had to change their bedding.

    • Then both anarchists woke up from their wet dreams and had to change their bedding.

      The anarchist waking up implies that they were asleep, which in turn implies they have failed to abolish bedtime.

    • Then both anarchists woke up from their wet dreams and had to change their bedding. their parents changed their bedding