[SOLVED] Help requested: Screenshot taken but disabled buttons still visible
Hi everyone, I was hoping someone could help me with the following. I have a button that saves a screenshot PNG to the Downloads folder when you press it.
What I want is for the button to disappear after it is pressed, so the screenshot does not include the two menu buttons called "%SaveReport" and "%BackMainMenu".
The code for the save button is listed below:
func _on_SaveReport_pressed():
$"%SaveReport".visible = false
$"%BackMainMenu".visible = false
print("I've disabled the buttons")
print("That means the screenshot SHOULD be button free")
$"%SaveReport".visible = true
$"%BackMainMenu".visible = true
As you can see, it calls the take_screenshot() function which is listed above:
if OS.get_name() == "Web" or OS.has_feature('JavaScript'):
print("We're on the web")
# We're on the web
var buffer = image.save_png_to_buffer()
JavaScriptBridge.download_buffer(buffer, fileName)
if OS.get_name() != "Web" or !OS.has_feature('JavaScript'):
# We're not on the web
print("We're not on the web")
var docs = OS.get_environment("HOME") + "/Documents"
var title = str(docs + "/results",global_ints.observed_person_name, global_ints.observation_minutes,".png")
var _saveimage = image.save_png(title)
if OS.get_name() != "OSX":
print("We're not on MacOS")
var _openfolder = OS.shell_open(docs)
if OS.get_name() == "OSX":
print("We're on MacOS")
var _openfolder = OS.shell_open("file://" + docs)
The code works. The screenshot is taken and it's saved to the Downloads folder and MacOS/Windows/Linux open up the Downloads folder straight after.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why the Back & Screenshot buttons ( "%SaveReport" and "%BackMainMenu") that I turn invisible BEFORE I call take_screenshot() end up being in the screenshot. Every single time.
I took away the 2 .visible = true commands at the end, just to see if they were the culprit. They are not. It appears that the get_viewport().get_texture().get_image() command gets called before the interface elements are turned off, even though the order of code would make me think otherwise.
You did turn off the interface elements, but too late for the viewport image to reflect that (as it was taken at the end of last frame). Like @bruce965@lemmy.ml said, you should use await get_tree().idle_frame to wait until the image up to date, then get and save it.
Thank you for this! I just tried it out but unfortunately Godot throws an error on await get_tree().idle_frame : Invalid get index 'idle_frame' (on base: 'SceneTree').
Could it be because I'm running in application mode, which only refreshes the screen if there's an update?
As an alternative, I've put the code to turn things off into its own function:
You will have to "await" the next frame after disabling the buttons, then take the screenshot and re-enable the buttons.
Otherwise you might be able to get the same effect by putting the buttons on a separate layer and excluding it from the screenshot (not sure if it's actually possible this way, but I strongly suppose so).