Gun advocates will point out that these are unlicensed firearms and thus tightening regulations will not reduce crime. I agree with that.
At the same time, they rarely offer alternative solutions to reduce gun violence in our cities. We know from our neighbors down south that facilitating legal gun ownership isn't the solution either -- among developed nations they are unique in the amount of gun violence they suffer, and accessibility to firearms is obviously a large factor in that.
I don't know what we can do. We learn our laws, our constitution, and norms of behaviour more from our lived experience than from school. That will never really change, although I think schools could do a better job of covering our laws, constitution, rights and freedoms, and comparative culture.
For example, I can't point to any popular series or movie that is set in Canada, demonstrating our laws and cultural norms. Most Canadians know more about those aspects of America than of Canada.
Unless we're going to tear apart every truck, parcel, and suitcase coming in to Canada, we cannot stop smuggling, so we have to find another way to address the problem.
A complete ban on anything small enough to conceal and penalties as heavy for possession as for use might turn the tide, but I'm not sure that it's the kind of thing I'd be in favour of. And it might even backfire.
Over the top punishment for firearms related crimes and actual boarder control. An absolute fuck ton gets smuggled into Canada because inconveniencing americans entering Canada is both expensive and makes us look bad to the tump monkeys.
More inexcusable behaviour from licensed owners and their registered firearms. Definitely not handguns smuggled in bulk from the USA and sold on the street.