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Looks like the stories feature for Pixelfed is currently rolling out on the flagship instance

Dansup's post:

What I'm seeing on desktop:

  • What is a story exactly? A collection of related posts?

    • heh, it’s a feature copied on various social platforms that allows you to post ephemeral video clips that go away after ~24 hours.

      It was a meme a few years ago that every website and app would one day have a Stories feature.

      Seems appropriate and good that Pixelfed would get the feature. It is quite a popular format.

      • Oh curious. I don't understand the use-case or how it fits in with the concept of PixelFed so I think I won't use it. I'd like to see PixelFed get more popular, but if most of the posts are disappearing after 24 hours then it's kind of like nobody is even using it. 🤨