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Announcing Beehaw Docs

This is what we hope to be the new place for us to store big philosophy ideas for Beehaw and our new FAQ!

If you have corrections, feel free to make a pull request :

Also feel free to suggest things to add in the FAQ in the comments here!

  • in particular, if you have good suggestions for our Reading List i'd love to look them over and potentially add them. i'm not aware of many such lists of good theories about community cultivation like what we're doing here, and it'd be nice to start working on one for other people's usage

  • Reading through the docs rather slowly, but one important thing that I seem to be understanding is that you want to be something like...your own little community that takes a more mindful approach to curated content into consideration, eventually leading to potentially doing good in the world, so forth. Kinda activist-y?

    I think that's all perfectly valid. It's not Reddit, and that's okay. Sadly I do think I'll have to go looking for some place else since I feel like this implies I won't have a place to talk about silly little anime shenanigans anytime soon, but I want to say this: It's super duper cool what you're all doing. You've been stormed by Reddit and you're sticking to your core beliefs, despite that.

    I hope you all cultivate a good community for yourself!

    • I feel like this implies I won’t have a place to talk about silly little anime shenanigans

      I don't think any of us on the admin team want this to not be a place to be silly or have fun. I like being silly and having fun. Please do that here, it makes me happy! 💜

      • Oh that's good to hear! I was just worried the endgame goal was a little more serious than I tend to be.

    • Well, these posts are the foundation on what we think the website is about and they were on the sign up page as well as the side bar for a long time.

      As for silly anime shenanigans, I have no problem with that? I'm not sure how one excludes the other. I'm kinda confused. I like anime

      • Oh I meant I doubt there's going to be something like an anime community or little sub communities for different things? Unless there might be. I just remember someone asking about that and getting a negative reply once..?

        Unless y'all are cool with us discussing these things in the bigger communities, I'd be fine with staying in that case. Might be a little confused over here, it's been a long day haha.