1945-1959: Same as 1930s but the scientist guy is also a Nazi (and Hitler has a bullet hole lmao)
I hope this is true, with the attacks on science in the US, we’re really looking at falling backward here. I’m afraid we’ll lose good weather forecasting and GPS services very soon, to just name the low hanging fruit.
If only there was something the American people could do about this.
I'm an ignorant American, what's the significance of the bull/ox?
That woman on the bull is Europa (Ancient Greek Εὐρώπη, Eurṓpē), daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor, lived about 2000 BCE. The bull is the shapeshifted Zeus that is kidnapping Europa. They had sex and sired Minos, king of Crete. Minos is the one who feed the Minotaur by sending children into its labyrinth.
Yeah Greek mythology is weird.
The bull that fathered the Minotaur was not Zeus, it was a gift by Poseidon who expected king Minos to sacrifice the bull to Poseidon. The king kept the gift and sacrificed another bull, Poseidon got pissed and had the king's wife screw the bull, giving birth to the Minotaur.
EU - "Nation States"
Thanks! I just googled it and it mentioned "Europa and the bull" representing unity and peace.
We could definitely use some of that, but unfortunately we just get a bunch of what the bull leaves behind instead... :/
Makes me wanna cry
"Scientists" bouncing between fascists in a losing attempt to preserve privilege.
And by privilege you mean access to basic freedom and the pursuit of knowledge.
Most scientists are underpaid and overworked.
And demonized. No country hates scientists more than America. The average American cherry picks their science and treat science that goes against their preconceived notions as conspiracies, but jump at the chance to defend their favorite corporations like you attacked family. It’s disgusting.