Google Street View cars capture images from public roads, which might include your home. If an image contains inappropriate content, or you prefer your home not be shown, you can request it to be blur
In case you ever wanted to blur your house from google street view you can. A little privacy i suppose, its pretty easy. you dont need a reason to do it. This probaly the only thing google lets opt out of which is cool.
Yeah, they claim only property owners or tenants can request it, which means I would have to prove that to be compliant w/ their policy.
Anyone can take pictures of my house. That's 100% within the law, provided they take it from outside my property. So to blur it, I have to give them PII (which they probably have anyway), but it doesn't actually stop them from changing their policy and unblurring it later.
It also supposedly makes you a bigger target for would-be burglars who scout google maps for targets. It makes your house stand out and makes them think you have something valuable to hide.
100% the Streisand effect! Blurred homes attract way more attention.
The only time I heard someone justify blurring their home, it was "so that thieves don't know where my cameras are". But I'd think the opposite was true.
Tragic irony, a prominent literary device, involves a poignant disjunction between the audience’s awareness of critical information and the obliviousness of the characters within a narrative.