No volume control. No sound channel EQ. No subtitle option compared to home DVD or some streaming.
As a hearing aid wearer the turned-up-to-eleven sound level combined with unequal balance between voice and music/effects is borderline unbearable.
Max bass, max reverb, max audio compression, plus muttering and whispering by so many actors being recorded at low levels, combine to make cinema visits something to be endured.
8.5 million is 2m more than the budget for the best picture winner this year. Why are high budgets not being critiqued? Not every movie needs to break a billion, and frankly they shouldn't all break a billion.
Novocaine is a 2001 American black comedy thriller film written and directed by David Atkins and starring Steve Martin, Helena Bonham Carter, Laura Dern, Lynne Thigpen and Elias Koteas. Wikipedia