Hey y'all! Anyone have any tips for makeup choices that are pretty consistent offerings? Feels like every time I find something I like, it gets discontinued or shuffled into a new name / brand.
I have a pretty "no make-up" look, currently:
Lipstick (mac discontinued my favorite color and is basically why I started this thread.)
Really mostly looking for brand recommendations here, emphasis on avoiding "fast fashion", if that's even the right term for it.
For foundation, I use Dermablend. Ice coverage and great staying power, especially when combined with their primer and setting powder. Everything else is a hodge-podge of whatever I can find. Maybe not mascara, for that I swear by Covergirl 3-in-1 professional with a straight brush. That one can be hard to find.
I sooooo hear you on this, I feel like every time I need to replace my most used eyeshadows they're gone. I'm not a lipstick or primer wearer so can't help you there sadly. At the moment I'm using soap and glory mixed browns eyeshadow which I like but don't love and really bought cos its cruelty free. Foundation wise I ALWAYS go clarins everlast, its easy to layer up for different coverage, good quality and lasts pretty well. I'm a pasty colour so it's the only one that matches my skin without showing my true pastiness.
I think you may want to look at some older brands like Estée Lauder or Lâncome. I don't use those brands myself but I have the impression that they don't have as much turnover in their offerings vs something like Colourpop, which always has something new. I think the typical userbase of those brands is looking for less experimental, more classic makeup, which should lead to stability in the product lines they offer.