Hi! I'm newer to the Fediverse and brand new to Beehaw. I've used Reddit for years, but I'm seeking greener shores as big tech has gotten real weird.
When I'm not reading, attempting to be a guitarist or fooling with fountain pens, I like to paint my nails! Do I color in the lines? No. Do I do a perfect job? Also no. But I pick fun colors and always, always, always add glitter. Did you color your nails? I wanna see!
(Side bar, I low-key wish the Fediverse had more places for beauty inspo. Let's see pretty nails, hair and outfits, please!)
My nails are purple. They're pretty fucked tho, I was planning to remove it yesterday but I forgot. I'm AMAB and started painting my nails like 2 years ago. I expected people to be rude about it, but honestly I've mostly just gotten completes, well-meaning questions, and friendly jokes.
Welcome to the fediverse! I quit reddit back in July-ish 2023 during the api shenanigans and haven't looked back. I'm optimistic for the future of the fediverse!
Are fountain pens the type you dip into ink? Is there a technique to writing with them? Can you do writing things with them that you can't do with other pen types?
There is such a thing as glass dip pens (I had one and was too rough with it, so it broke :') ), but I like using fountain pens that suck up ink via a spring or piston filled mechanism. I only fool around with fountain pens because I like playing with fun ink and being a weirdo. This is my TWSBI Eco (Fine nib) inked with Noodler's Cardinal Kestral.
Some would argue that there is a proper grip to hold fountain pens, but I found that the normal way I write is good enough. I always enjoyed writing in cursive, and I take a lot of notes (prayer journaling, getting my college degree, writing out my thoughts, etc.), so fountain pens indulge those activities.
Ah ok so that's what a fountain pen looks like. I can see how it would add to the writing experience as it's more personalized/stylish.
At some point in my life, way back in college irc, I stopped writing cursive and over the years forgot how to do it. Cursive or not, my handwriting has always been atrocious looking.
One thing I noticed is that Beehaw doesn't have hashtags. I'm on Pixelfed, but the photos that appear in my feed are based on hashtags I've chosen to follow that also have a photo. So I'm unsure how this post will get picked up on Pixelfed without any tags (I didn't test that I could add #nails to the post and it'd work). But hey! You found me and that's cool enough. Also thanks, glitter is great :D