The sibling writing and acting between Devon and Mark never stops being charming. I love their initial banter in the car (“Tragically, you’re you”), and every time Devon reaches out to support him, it feels like genuine concern and affection. Her reassuring iMark in the cabin was so sweet.
She did absolutely no meaningful reassurance in the cabin. Not even telling him where he was, just "okay, here you go, into the literal flaming room with your least favorite person with no warning, conversation, or basic questioning beforehand"
This storyline is my least favorite part of the whole show, because Cobel and Devon, when she's around Cobel, both speak like typical "mystery box show" characters. The whole bit about the file, where they just say "the file" and then have a long-ass pause before saying "Cold Harbor" was so annoying. This gives 0 explanation to Mark and just works as a wink at the audience like "Wouldn't you like to know what that means?"
Other characters typically speak fairly realistically or at least in a straightforward way that makes sense. Any omissions tend to happen because characters don't ask the right questions. Here, Mark asks the right question and gets fuck-all in return.
To be fair, he didn't even ask "what is cold harbor? Why does it kill Gemma" or anything useful after cobel dropped the name though. Which is crazy that he doesn't know what he does at work, finds out what he does at work will kill Gemma, but asks nothing more
I agree. But I also thing Devon is connected to all of this more than she is letting on. I think the "helpful" sister arch is not the full story. But they do have a well written and acted relationship.
I don't trust Devon at all after this episode. And now we know the birthing cabins are a severed area we might wonder why Devon chose to give birth there.
Obviously Ricken is compromised because Lumon stroked his ego, but there's nothing to indicate Devon is anything but loving towards her brother. Ricken may slip some info or report back to Natalie, but it'd be a cop out if Devon all of a sudden not on Mark's side.
I don't think she's not on marks side. But I also don't think she is as innocent as she is currently acting or portrayed as. I just think she is hiding something from Mark in some way.