As a brit I have found it fascinating how American and British politics seem to mirror each other. This is exactly the same argument that was levelled against Brexit. The stats the TV showed was 51% vs 49% in favour of Brexit but only 60% of the country voted and with this teeny tiny majority of voters the Conservatives enacted a massive constitutional change and causes absolute havoc which we are still paying for today.
We've since voted out the party that caused it but it landed us with an ineffective centrist Labour party who are continuing the mistakes of the past and not appealing to the left in the slightest (sound familiar?). This government still has 4 more years left in power but unless they change tack then I am very worried that we will have a extreme right version of the Conservatives in power next election.
The problem is the First Past The Post voting system. It's not true democracy. It's weighted to the right. Two parties, both in the pocket of big business. One who says "Oh, we'd love to help all you poors but it's really not possible to increase taxes on the rich and invest in our country", and the other who says "you'll be poor but at least you're not gonna get deported or persecuted like those gay and brown people".
TLDR: Both the US and the UK need urgent electoral reform. Write to your representative. Make it an issue. Do not stop until it is a number one priority for these ghouls or they will keep fucking us.
68.1% support Trump
30.84% support Harris
1.06% support 3rd party
FIFY. Please stop pretending that it wasn't a landslide. Please stop pretending that Americans don't support fascism. Please stop pretending that you're not responsible.
Not voting is not the same as not voting for Trump. Not voting is complying with other people's votes. If you don't live in a swing state then that's understandable but if you live in a swing state and didn't vote, you have allowed Trump to win this election.
I wonder what the percentage of not voters in swing states is. Surely it would be way lower since they have more incentive to vote right?
stop fucking deluding yourselves. that's not how voting works. people who do not vote aren't voting for "other". they're voting for whoever ends up winning the votes of those who did. that 36 percent said "i don't care who wins, I'm fine with either". that is a vote for him.
It's so fucking infuriating that practically every election, if it were possible, "did not vote" would win the presidency.
We're always looking at some stupidly close, razor margins bullshit, when there's a MASSIVE group of people that unfortunately just couldn't possibly give a shit less....
"Ooh, he hasn't got a mandate." Yeah, know what he has got?
CONTROL OF THE GOVERNMENT. And no intention of ever giving it up.
(Yes, I know, don't abandon hope, organise, and all that. But crap like this just reads like "it'll obviously work out fine just wait it out" shit. Which famously Does Not Fucking Work)
Also! They literally let someone hand out 250 million dollars, openly, and our “courts” gave it the go-ahead - even if it goes against some of the longest standing legal precedent regarding buying votes (done with booze back in the day).
This election wasn’t a thumb on the scale, it was the oligarchs mushroom-stamping humanity.
Man if only there was some huge portion of left wing constituents demanding change over a tax funded genocide that the democratic party could have easily pandered to and gotten that extra 1% boost of votes.
But like such a group would be too small to make a difference amirite.
Also would go further into pointing out... of those 31.74% that did vote for it... it's not a mandate for things that he didn't run on... or even ran against.
Say trump took a shit ton of credit for promising to never cut social security and medicaid. When his mind changes from what he promised, the "mandate" arguement is even worse.
In a hypothetical world where lets say someone did run, promised a lot of things, and won with 98% of the vote, so that we could say they have a mandate. The mandate still only would apply to the things they actually claimed they were going to do on the campaign trail. If they are doing the opposite of what they promised the mandate is completely bullshit even in that scenerio.