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Hey kids! Anything interesting in the latest TV Guide?
Oh really? I'll have to set up my DVR to tape it, I'll be at a doctor appointment when the first episode airs...
Bro im not that old and i remember this, all the good English shows used to air new episodes at night.
Brother, if you remember that, you are old by young people standards.
I remember being ... around 10 and poking fun at my not even 40 yet dad for using a dot matrix printer and fax machine... in the late 90s or early 00's.
That's not too far from the same age gap as the TV Guide / DVR thing.
A 10 year old now would probably make fun of a person having a digital document scanner at home. What's the point? Just take a picture of the document with your 8384 megapixel smartphone.
On that note: Polaroids, film cameras, low grade digital cameras or camcorders as fairly common household items, fucking landline home phones.
Most kids born in the last 10 or 15 years would laugh at these, or the idea of them, just like I laughed at a dot matrix printer and home fax machine in the late 90s, or grandma still having a rotary phone instead of a cordless home phone.
Jesus, I don't think I've actually even thought about the last time I made a home phone call on a phone with a cord... in about a decade.
I'm only 22 yet I still made a call on a rotary phone last week and used a CRT to watch some TV. My grandma's guest room tech has not been replaced since my mom moved out lol.
Hah, well, I apologize then, I overreached a bit, you're a decade younger than me... but a middle or high schooler may still describe you as 'old'.
My knees defo feel old already, so i cant fault you
As an aside, the Target store near me carries Polaroid film and vinyl records. With everything virtual and touchscreen these days, some kids value the kinesthetic experience.
Heck, I've been cell phone-only since 2003, but I've been thinking about setting up a landline phone from my childhood with a VoIP adapter just because it has such a satisfying heft in the hand, and tactile buttons.
All Targets have them and Walmarts do too. They're not as rare as you seem to think.
What the hell? Why are you telling me what I think?
Because you said the Target by you had them like it was a rare and precious thing, jackass.
That's a reading comprehension problem, I'll wager. I said Target had it like it was a common thing.
You have problems expressing yourself plainly, I'll wager. Read your post again.
I'll be happy to leave it to anybody who reads this thread to figure out what the problem here is.
lol if that's what you want, semi-literate