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suggestion: more variation in help resources?

Some general suggestions and ideas for anyone who's willing to take them on or add onto:

There's not a one size fits all for everyone, and some of us can't afford much financially, so variation in stuff would be deeply appreciated, especially for us who have very neglected and uncared for disorders and life issues, or much heavier stuff in general.

Also some international resources are much needed, not all of us are from the US, let's not automatically assume everyone is from the same place, that's gonna leave out a lot of people (I know it's much easier to just default to one place, but if the priority here is helping others, then let's try to be as inclusive as possible).

Some stuff comes to mind: support groups or communities is one, a lot of us badly need support networks or groups to fall back on, safe spaces, private communities, places where we're understood and cared for, stuff like that, both online and irl. Maybe some matrix/simpleX/signal/discord groups to seek help and connections in? Definitely would be appreciated, keep the links alive, accessible, and active though so people don't miss out on the train if it starts.

Maybe some awareness posts or resources regarding the weaponisation of some mental health stuff against those in need, would definitely resonate with us who have trauma or dealt with abusive/narcissistic folks and the like. Some stuff for people more introverted or have severe anxiety is also much needed, not everybody has the courage to reach out publicly and risk further judgement and trauma.

Maybe some stuff for people who're lost in life or in need of genuine guidance? (Not the "self help" couch kind, that stuffs very predatory...) There's literally nothing for people who were raised like shit and are suddenly plunged into the world all on their own completely unprepared, or people still actively stuck in abusive relationships or households and have no way out on their own, or even people considering being adopted (as an adult), all of that is heavily neglected and uncared for, nobody ever talks about it so I feel like that should be addressed somewhat if possible, the more options for people to get the help that they actually need, the better.

List of reputable orgs and groups that can give good vetted referrals would be really handy, maybe some resources that ranks which countries care the most or least about mental health and minorities and the like as well, bring more awareness to countries that legitimately have nothing for those in need or are really bad at offering help.

Maybe some financial stuff too, things to help survive rough times and the like, maybe some institutions that help with job finding even? Especially for those who don't have any experience or are mentally/physically handicapped, not much out there for that.

Anywho, that's just some ideas, I'm no expert so feel free to do whatever with this!