Nothing quite says “high-performance muscle car” like a popup ad for a Mopar Extended Warranty covering your whole center console. That’s right, Dodge Charger owners are now experiencing an exciting new feature: pop-up ads that appear every time the vehicle stops at a light. This garbage feature was...
Nothing quite says “high-performance muscle car” like a popup ad for a Mopar Extended Warranty covering your whole center console. That’s right, Dodge Charger owners are now experiencing an exciting new feature: pop-up ads that appear every time the vehicle stops at a light. This absolute garbage feature was spotted in the wild, take a look here.
I thought GM foregoing CarPlay in favor of their own proprietary UI was a great way to kill sales, this is absolutely genius. Way to ensure I would never purchase your products!
Narrator: "It spread. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. Really you wouldn't believe how much it spread. It spread like Domino's™ all new creamy red sauce on only the freshest of dough seasoned wi---"
Dodge dropped 29% in sales in the USA last year, and something tells me, this isn't going to have folks lining up to buy Chargers in 2025. Watch the free market* take care of this one.
I think that has more to do with ending production on the LX Platform Challenger / Charger tbh. They haven't quite managed to gather the same hype among domestic car nerds with their replacements as those old boats had.
DuckDuckGo offers a nice relay service; you get a email address that mails through to your regular email, but it strips out all the trackers and other bullshit. It's good for situations like that.
They'll see the sales of the Charger tank and will conclude that people just don't want muscle cars, which is sad because in the next few years I was thinking about getting one.
4 months is "almost" half a year in the same way Elon Musk has got almost 6 inches to work with.
Point of the post is that this popup ad thing has expanded from Jeep (small brand) into Dodge (large brand) from the parent company (Stellantis). What has happened in the meantime is that a bunch of other Dodge drivers has confirmed the issue is widespread and difficult to disable.
My point was, if the ads are still pushed to cars, I'm surprised FuelArc used a 4 month old reddit post as reference. Someone most have contacted Dogde, Jeep, or Stelantis for a comment on this.
Oh, I thought you meant a lawsuit from me. When I, a pedestrian am crossing the street with my walk signal, when suddenly, the guy at the opposite side of the intersection just starts driving at a red light because he was distracted by McDonalds. Didn't even realize his foot was on the pedal, and now I got run over.