They're shit cars. Let's please stop pretending they aren't. The build quality is abhorrent.
Yes, they had the cool factor for a while, and yes, I feel sorry for (some of) those who got caught up in something they didn't want to be caught up in. But also, the writing has been on the wall a long time, and build quality issues have been public knowledge for about as long.
My buddy found blue painter’s tape where there was supposed to be wire conduit and screws when he lifted up the carpet on his. You may note that blue painter’s tape is intentionally designed to be temporary and dissolve away after a few weeks, which is much less than the expected lifespan of AN ENTIRE FUCKING CAR.
Except it isn't stupid bullshit. They are giving the money to musk so that they can get something they want done. This also gives musk more power as he's able to buy more people.
If this were a movie, (that I was writing)
The car would glitch and lock Dumpster inside, then burst into flames. He would push the panic button, then look through the smoky windows at fElon laughing demonically, while Dumpster lights-outs coughing and railing against the betrayal, and injustice of it all.
Hearing Trump talk about how the car has 'computer' (during the news conference) made me think back to a news event with George H.W. Bush in a supermarket, seeing a grocery barcode scanner for the first time.
Same kind of inquisitive and excited response from both of them.
Trump did a supermarket thing while out doing his disinformation circuit, and the owner guy was trying to explain things to him and you could tell Trump had never grocery shopped and then quickly lost interest and tuned the guy completely out.
The McDonald's fries thing was also amusing when he learned "how fries were made" and that they put them in a basket and not scoop them out by hand lol.
Imagine if everyone in the world would just say "fuck no, I am not cooking for you" and the billionaires would die of starvation because they don't know how to do. Hilarious.
The McDonald’s fries thing was also amusing when he learned “how fries were made” and that they put them in a basket and not scoop them out by hand lol.
They could have let him learn that the hard way, but no.
I think disallowed only out in the public. I think I read that theyre allowed to drive on the whitehouse property, and maybe private institutions like race tracks? I dont recall the specifics
I think more like the SS advises the president not to drive for their own safety, and to leave it to experts.
Or as Trump probably sees it: The deep state is being insufficiently loyal and trying to tell him - the president - of all people - what to do. So he totally shouldn't listen, and should drive if he wants to, and they should fall in line or be fired.
What's weird is that Presidents aren't allowed to drive themselves. Secret service is no doubt impounding that new car until he's no longer their problem.
That's code for he never learned to drive. Whatever polite bullshit you're used to from other politicians isn't happening here, so you can safely assume the exact opposite of what he's saying.
He did have a drivers license and was shown driving in 2014 on a video that his wife posted. The license expired in 2020.
He probably didn't renew it, since ex-presidents are also not allowed to drive, so he hasn't been allowed to drive since 2016.
Duh. The dude has the intellect of a 90-year-old rotten turd. What the fuck did you expect from him? Are you fucking stupid enough to think he would do any differently than suck Elon’s ball sack on the front lawn of the White House in front of a bunch of cameras?
Honestly , I wonder how they got 37 and what they are. My guess is that most were really small software updates like you said. With that said, here is the list of the ones that I heard about. Out of the 6 listed, 5 were exclusive to the truck, and it looks like 5 of the 6 were actual recalls.
I'm not sure how people are ok with that, considering the price and how awful the reviews are about how it's built and drives. For comparison, I have now owned 5 cars in my life and had a total of 3 recalls. The total cost of the 5 cars combined is 26k, and that's over 25 years. My one and only point is I can't believe people are willing to throw 90k at a car full of problems when 90k should be buying you a well-built luxury car with peace of mind.