A bullet grazed the Memphis man’s thigh after his one-year-old pit bull got his paw stuck in a gun’s trigger guard
Dog bites man is hardly news, but in Tennessee, a dog recently shot a man.
In what is only the latest instance of a kind of accidental shooting that intermittently occurs in the US, Jerald Kirkwood reported to police in Memphis that he and a woman were lying in bed with a firearm when his dog jumped up and inadvertently caused the weapon to discharge.
A bullet grazed the man atop his left thigh, according to the local news station WREG, which cited police. WREG recounted how Kirkwood’s one-year-old pit bull, Oreo, had gotten his paw stuck in the trigger guard of his owner’s gun. Oreo ultimately squeezed the trigger and shot his owner, whom the station and multiple other news outlets identified.
Not just that, but the gun was loaded and cocked, and the safety was off. You'd need to have all of these things before the gun is able to fire. So either this guy was extremely negligent or he was planning on using the gun
Stories like this are funny, but the gun people are reassured that only "stupid" people have gun accidents and this can be solved with PerSonAL ReSPONsability instead of realizing that guns are so omnipresent stuff like this is stochastic fate.
And those same folks, when an accident affects them, usually fall back on something like "it wasn't my fault!"
Which is it? It's not your fault, and these things should be regulated more. Or it is your fault, and regulations should dictate that you shouldn't have these firearms any more, and perhaps shouldn't have had them in the first place?