!She dies when they go back in time to get the soul stone. Gamora was sacraficed by Thanos to originally get the stone, Black widow gives her life so Hawkeye can live the second time around.!<
Yeah, and there was a similar plot line I think in the comics in infinity war 2 where something similar happened to Gamora but she was actually >!trapped inside the soul stone and they went in to break her out !<
It’s probably shameful for me to mention it, but I don’t think that I have seen Endgame more than the single time I saw it in theaters. It’s two very long movies to keep up with and then there’s so much going on that I’m not able to focus on a single character. I think that’s one reason that I’ve really enjoyed Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Stakes are much lower and there’s several characters, but they are manageable to keep track of because most of them are just normal supporting characters and not main characters in other movies about them.
I'm with you .... I don't need every MCU movie to be about the end of the world. I would be happy watching Spiderman trying to make rent while just handling some small time hood.