Is there any chance for a future where the economy that matters, real people's lives, production of useful goods and services, becomes decoupled from imaginary evaluations of billionaire's gambling results? It really rustles my jimmies when I hear that a result of some banksters bet can get working families evicted and jobs dissapear.
However much pain we're feeling and will be feeling, as a nation not individuals, we deserve oh so much more for our inhuman crimes in the name of capitalist private profit. We destabilized entire nations trying to become societies solely to maintain access to their resources for our capitalist's exploitation.
Every American better hope nation state karma doesn't exist.
You need to extend the graph beyond January. The US has been riding an enormous localized wave that crested shortly after Trump's inauguration. American securities (particularly the MAG7) are enormously overvalued, with revenue that is dwarfed by their stock price.
This is a much-needed market correction, not a regional stock performance split from within the US.
Not even suggesting Trump isn't shit. Its very obvious that he's popped the irrational optimism bubble we've been gliding on since even before COVID hit. But we were in a bubble. DOW 43k, never even mind the absurd NASDAQ run up, is not representative of the functional economic capacity of the nation as a whole. Without unlimited free money from the Fed to keep inflating asset prices, we were going to enter a downturn sooner or later.
The real question is whether the DOGE Team will kick the knees out from under our Treasury/Fed countercyclical spending system on the way back to earth and cause us to land harder than necessary.
Now let's say you're Trump and the supreme Court has said it's just about impossible to convict somebody of corruption in the US. You see that you're going to be elected president and your goal is to figure out how to make a crap ton of money off being present. Now you can do the boring old s make dignitaries stay at your hotel thing or have foreign governments. Give Jared kushner a bunch of money.... But that's all pocket change. If you're president, you can crash the economy. If you know a bunch of Rich Russian oligarchs who can short the market and you can tell them exactly when the market will crash then they can make billions... And you can get your cut too.
This is why Trump doesn't really give a shit why the tariffs are in place. That's why he makes up bullshit answers when asked why the tariffs are implemented. He doesn't care. ... But he really really really wants to yank the market around. First he says tariffs happening, then he says they're not, then they're happening again. Every time the market goes up and down he can make a shit ton of money if he can accurately predict when it goes up or down.
I can't get this idea out of my head. It makes more sense than anything else I can come up with. There's so much money to be made if you have the power to yank around the u.s. economy and enough narcissism to not give a shit about the people hurt in the process.
How dare Biden tank the economy while trump is president just to make him look bad! Any day now, all these incomprehensible tariff ramblings, threats, and further ostracization of our allies are going to make America so great! /s
Damnit, I came here to blame Joe Biden, but it seems like everyone else beat me to it. Oh well, time to go tariff some more countries and then act shocked by the results....
Tbh Wall Street can fuckin off. They helped create this mess. If this ship is going down, let's make sure none of the assholes find a seat on a life boat.
What's interesting to me is that the "shape" of the line still matches the global line pretty well so there are some "fundamental" aspects that still affect markets, but overall we're in a nosedive for "some reason."