Despite the clear evidence pointing to the image being old, the photograph is still circulating on social media platforms and has been featured in Google searches related to the supposed annexation threat. This highlights how misinformation can easily spread online, especially when fueled by sensational claims and misleading images.
Important note: The "Nuclear" in "Nuclear attack submarine" means that it is powered by a nuclear reactor. It does not refer to its armament. An "attack" submarine means it is designed to attack ships and other submarines and these are typically not capable of carrying and launching ICBMs. Nuclear-armed deterrent submarines are called Ballistic Missile Submarines.
During a period with seemingly very little good news in the world, I really needed this. Assuming it was done for the optics it conveys, it's some much needed reassurance that our allies actually have our back. Granted, we're still absolutely fucked in the short term if the worst happens, it's still nice to see.